Asian World Diet Detox Plan – Amazing Foods That Detox The Body

The Asian diet, a plant-based natural diet, is popular for being one of the healthiest diets in the world. However, little is known about the detoxification or cleansing properties of this wonderful Eastern World diet plan. There are many detox supplements on the market, but none can beat the cleansing and detoxifying effects of healthy natural foods.

The Traditional Asian World Diet detox plan lists hundreds of herbs, fruits and vegetables. However, the natural detox foods that we will discuss here are common or easily available:

1. Green leafy vegetables and other green foods. Foods like spinach, barley, spirulina, blue-green algae, chard, wheatgrass, arugula and alfalfa will cleanse your digestive tract by giving them a chlorophyll boost.

In addition to helping with liver detoxification, chlorophyll draws out harmful toxins from the environment such as heavy metals, smog, cleaning products, herbicides and pesticides.

2. Fruits. They are among nature’s best detoxification agents. With their high fiber content, vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and high water content, they are extremely useful in flushing out toxins.

3. Garlic. Long known as a wonder herb, garlic acts on the liver and induces it to produce detoxification enzymes that prevent harmful residues in the digestive tract. Making garlic is easy. Just add chopped or minced garlic to your food and it’s done.

4. Broccoli Sprouts. Broccoli has been found to have anti-carcinogenic and detoxifying properties. Its sprouts are high in antioxidants which help in stimulating the detoxification enzymes of the digestive tract very effectively. 3- to 4-day-old sprouts are actually more nutritious and wholesome than the mature vegetable.

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5. Citrus fruits. Oranges, mandarins, lemons and limes help get rid of toxins from the body, as well as prime the digestive system by increasing enzymatic processes. Citrus also helps the liver perform its cleansing functions. To use citrus as a detoxification agent, start your day with a glass of warm lemon water. Keep in mind that citrus is rich in vitamin C, one of the most powerful detox agents. Vitamin C detoxifies the body by converting toxins into digestible substances.

6. Seeds and Nuts. These are important sources of protein and natural fats that can greatly enhance your detox diet. These include almonds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, walnuts, sesame seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds and Siberian pine nuts. However, you need to avoid nut butters.

7. Green tea. This amazing drink is loaded with antioxidants that slow down the aging process, prevent the growth of cancer cells and wash toxins out of the system. A special type of antioxidant called catechin has been found in green tea which enhances liver function.

8. Raw vegetables. They are great raw or for juicing. So start consuming beetroot, carrot, asparagus, kale, broccoli, artichoke, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, turmeric, onion and thyme. Being high in sulfur and glutathione, these foods help the liver get rid of harmful chemicals.

9. Moong Dal. For thousands of years, mung beans have been used in traditional Asian medicine to detoxify the digestive system. This food absorbs the toxins sticking to the intestinal walls and cleanses them.

10. Omega-3 oil. These oils lubricate the intestinal walls, absorb toxic residues and eventually flush them out of the body. You can use olive oil, avocado, hemp or flax seed oil.

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In addition to eating these foods, it will also help if you drink plenty of water and exercise regularly. Natural detox should not be a one-time process. It should be incorporated into one’s lifestyle and its principles should be applied daily.

Source by Edward G. Dy

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