Best Cardio for Fat Free Life

Studies have shown that getting at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week produces the most beneficial results. The point is that exercise can cover a huge range of activities, provided that your heart rate is raised to a level appropriate for your age and remains at that level for most of the exercise duration.

So what kind of cardio exercise should I be doing?

This is the fun part – almost anything as long as it’s safe and meets the criteria for getting your heart rate up. I like to mix it up, alternating brisk walking with jogging in the park one day, attending a folk dance class the next, and so on. The simplest routine is one that’s also highly effective – simply going for a power walk, pumping arms at a sufficient pace will provide a low-impact way to shed excess fat from your body. It’s important to stave off boredom and constantly push yourself that little bit more. For these reasons, I advocate finding a class or new hobby that is both physical and fun. Some ideas include:

all kinds of dance
water skiing
wind surfing

The possibilities are virtually endless and half the fun comes from mastering a new skill, which in turn boosts your newfound confidence. Ideally, you’ll split your exercise routine into four or five sessions, with one or two per week dedicated to your new hobby or sport. Create a fitness plan for 4 weeks of exercise in a journal. It takes about that long for our bodies to really absorb and feel the benefits of healthy new habits.

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Create a comments section to record your comments on how your exercise session went. It’s here that you can really work on boosting your motivation by praising yourself where necessary and paying close attention to how you felt about your session.

was it fun? Easier than last time? A little more than you expected? Note it all down and you’ll start to see how you progress in the weeks to come. You can create a space for yourself to suggest modifications or even just to write down which particular exercises really work for you.

Remember, it’s all about taking responsibility for your own body and the more you do it, the stronger your motivation to do what’s right for you.

Source by Victoria Johnson

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