Best Cardio for Weight Loss Plateau

Best Cardio for Weight Loss (Proven) – Cardio Workout for Fat Loss to Reduce Belly Fat

Why do people start out losing pound after pound and burning a whole bunch of fat but then it likes your body and the fat loss slows down. Not only does it slow down but for many it stops completely this is known as a plateau and in today’s video I want to talk about the best cardio for weight loss plateau .

First off I want to make it clear that cardio is not always the solution to breaking through a plateau. However, if you are doing weight training the right way and following a proper diet plan, then this post is going to be of great help to you if you find yourself stuck. Ok lets dive into starting with the objective first. What is the purpose of cardio as it pertains to fat loss?

Sure it helps your entire cardiovascular and respiratory system which is great for your health but as it pertains to fat loss, cardio is primarily used to create a large caloric deficit. I think we can all agree that if we can burn twice as many calories with one cardio workout as compared to another that burns more calories in the same amount of time and is probably more likely to do it than we Continues to burn calories even after. Get the best cardio for a weight loss plateau.

So the question becomes what factors affect the amount of calories you burn with your cardio workout. I am going to list them to you and they are not in any order. The first is how many joints you have involved in the movement now this is not based on my opinion, studies show that multi joint training will burn more calories than focusing on just one joint.

The other factor to consider in figuring out what’s the best cardio for a weight loss plateau is whether you’re sitting or are you standing? Now I’m not saying that cycling can’t be an effective form of cardio, but then again, it’s a fact, you’ll automatically be burning fewer calories when you’re sitting than when you’re standing.

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Of course this is without intensity which is the third and most important factor. Intensity So how intense is you cardio workout? You’ve probably heard of HIIT training. It stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is known for being able to burn more calories in less time. I want you guys to understand how and why this happens. This is one main difference between HIIT and steady state cardio training and that is the intensity.

By working hard even for short periods of time you are going to burn more calories than someone who is not working as hard for long periods of time. In addition, typically the recovery process will require much more energy from a high-intensity workout than from a low-intensity, long-duration workout. And again energy is calories, this is often called the after burn effect. So these are the three factors we want to strive for.

We want a high intensity multi-joint cardiovascular workout that can be performed on our legs to burn maximum calories which ultimately leads to maximum fat loss. Now with these principles in mind we want to find out what is the best cardio for a weight loss plateau.

Let’s start with the most common type of cardio… jogging. Based on our principles jogging is really only focusing on your hip joint and your knee joint, so I wouldn’t call it multi-joint training. Of course this is completely different from sprinting, in a sprint your whole body is involved in the movement, but for this example let’s talk about the steady state jogging that I see people do in the park and at the gym do all the time.

It’s done on our feet, so it’s a step in the right direction, however, the intensity required for jogging is very low, so you’ll have to put in a lot of time.

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When we compare jogging with an activity like swimming or hitting a boxing bag, which is not only a multi-joint workout, but also engages both the aerobic and anaerobic systems, and boxing is also generally performed by doing rounds or intervals. Is done at high intensity, where you throw. in some pause. This is one of the best cardio workouts for a weight loss plateau.

When you compare it to jogging, the interval type boxing workout is going to burn a lot of calories. Now when we compare boxing with running which is a more intense form of jogging or especially sprinting, with sprinting you can destroy the same amount of calories hitting the heavy bag. You’d need to do some intense sparring to really come close to the amount of calories burned by sprinting.

Once again though, with boxing if you’re standing there playing patty cakes on a bag, you’re probably better off jogging. Same thing with swimming if you are swimming in a pool you are wasting your time and the same goes for all the things you would consider really tiring like wrestling, playing hockey football or basketball.

If you are just messing around then jogging would be better for you. This points to the fact that the biggest factor of the three is intensity. The best way to set up your cardio workouts for maximum intensity is to set up intervals. Intervals can range from 15 seconds to five minutes, and rest intervals will typically be between 30 seconds and 90 seconds.

So a very simple example would be to run for 60 seconds and then rest for 60 seconds. Repeat this 10 times and as long as you give your maximum effort for each of these sprints, I promise you that you will not find any other best cardio for a weight loss plateau.

Now this doesn’t apply specifically to running. If you want to do the stair stepper I think it’s a great idea, it’s a great cardio machine and I also think you can do better work on the stair stepper by setting up intervals. Maybe one minute at a more aggressive pace and then 30 seconds at a slower pace. This is one of the best cardio workouts for a weight loss plateau. And again guys these intervals are not set in stone so if you have to take a longer break interval you totally can do that just keep in mind the point is progression and even if we’re not lifting weights with cardio progression Our form of exercise will be to increase intervals of work and decrease intervals of rest while maintaining a high intensity.

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Again similar training can be applied in swimming, wrestling, boxing, cycling also. The amazing thing is that the intensity and amount of joints you work will go hand in hand, so simply by increasing the intensity on the rowing machine you’re going to start to engage the muscles of your trunk and spine and your back. The entire court is going to join the movement. Whereas if you are just sitting there then your intensity is at a low level and on top of that you are probably working your upper back and your arms.

Repeat intensity is king and you can increase it in a few ways. You can increase speed, decrease stability, add environmental factors such as hills, which you can actually add on a treadmill as an incline. Also you want to try for multi-joint training as those workouts will usually increase in intensity and unless you plan to do a lot of high intensity squatting activity you are better off sticking to intense cardio workouts. Can be better. Be done on your feet. Guys I really hope this post helped you to get more idea about how you can change your diet and program your weight training and cardio workouts.

Source by Max Posternak

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