best exercises to lose weight fast

Exercise is a key component to losing weight fast and effectively. It is better to burn fat than dieting by starving yourself. Exercise will increase your metabolism, energy and health.

There are two types of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Aerobic means air is required when you exercise at a moderate pace for long periods of time. Jogging, swimming, skipping are examples of this. These are great for keeping your cardiovascular system healthy. Fat will actually burn during this exercise.

Anaerobic is when you don’t have air because the exercise is intense. The main type of exercise for this is weight training. It’s great for boosting your metabolism, which can keep your metabolism up for up to 48 hours after a workout. Also your muscle mass will increase, the more muscle you have the more calories you automatically burn per day.

It is best to do aerobic exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. This way you will get optimal fat burning results, as your body will have to go directly to your fat stores for energy. After about 30 to 60 minutes of moderate exercise, you should have a healthy snack, such as a smoothie or oats.

You should aim to lift weights three times a week. To prevent overtraining, work each body part only once a week, a good approach is to do legs on Monday, back on Wednesday and chest on Friday. Make sure you have a high-energy meal after your workout to give your muscles the nutrients they need to rebuild.

Source by Ben Pickering-Watson

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