Best Food to Prevent Colon Cancer: No, It’s Not Vegetables or Fruits

For a long time, people thought that eating fruits and vegetables and supplementing dietary fiber could prevent colorectal cancer. cancer (colon cancer).

But did you know? Eating whole grains may be more effective at preventing colorectal cancer than eating fruits or vegetables.

There are 2 types of fiber, both of which can help prevent colorectal cancer

Compared to other types of cancer, colorectal cancer is very common. In 2020, colorectal cancer was the third leading cause of new cancer cases and the second leading cause of cancer death.

Diet is a major factor causing cancer. For example, eating too few fruits or vegetables, foods high in oil and/or calories, red meat and processed meat, and alcoholic beverages can all contribute to the cause of cancer. Poor dietary habits have a 30 to 50 percent impact on the incidence of colorectal cancer worldwide. Among them, very little dietary fiber intake, such as less than 10 grams a daycan increase the risk of colorectal cancer by 18 percent.

dietary fiber is divided into insoluble fiber and water-soluble fiber, which have different functions. Insoluble fiber can they increase stool bulk, combine with carcinogens and toxins that are ingested or produced after digestion, shorten the time stool spends in the intestines, and reduce contact between carcinogens and the intestinal wall.

Water-soluble fiber can be fermented and broken down by intestinal bacteria into short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) as butyrate, propionate and acetate. Short chain fatty acids promote immunity, prevent inflammatory diseases and improve intestinal barrier function. Among them, butyrate has anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used as an energy source for intestinal epithelial (lining) cells.

So what type of fiber is most effective at preventing colorectal cancer? A meta-analysis in 2021 found that both types of fiber are beneficial in preventing colorectal cancer and provide nearly equal protection.

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In fact, most whole foods contain both types of dietary fiber, just in varying proportions. Therefore, the consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and nuts can provide these two intestinal protective nutrients.

Grain fiber and colon cancer prevention

There are so many foods that contain fiber, so which one is the most effective for preventing colon cancer? A large study by the National Cancer Institute found that whole grains and cereal fiber they are most effective in preventing colorectal cancer, especially cancer in the last section of the colon, the rectum.

The study, published in 2020 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed that people with the highest intake of whole grains had a 16 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer compared to those who ate the fewest whole grains.

In addition, whole grain intake was associated with prevention of colorectal cancer at all cancer sites (eg, proximal colon, distal colon, and rectum). In particular, the risk of rectal cancer was reduced by 24 percent. The fiber in the beans also helps reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 11 percent and is effective in preventing cancers of the distal colon and rectum.

The British Medical Journal published a meta-analysis of dietary fiber from vegetables, fruits, legumes and other foods. The study found that among all foods, whole grain intake had the clearest association with colorectal cancer risk. In particular, consuming three servings of whole grains (90 g) per day can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by approximately 20%. Additionally, a daily intake of 10 grams of total dietary fiber and grain fiber is also beneficial in the prevention of colorectal cancer.

Why does eating whole grains have significant benefits for colon cancer prevention? Researchers at the National Cancer Institute believe that whole grains contain bran, germ, and endosperm, which retain complete soluble and insoluble fiber. Plus, they contain a host of other nutrients, including B vitamins, minerals, phenols, antioxidants, and phytoestrogens, all of which can help prevent colon cancer.

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Whole grains include brown rice, millet, corn, oats, buckwheat, barley, wheat, quinoa, rye, and sorghum.

The proportion of vegetables

In fact, in the Eastern tradition diet, there is the concept of health maintenance with grains as staples and vegetables as supplements. However, people today eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, which are beneficial, and pay less and less attention to grains.

Based on his many years of clinical experience, Dr. Ting-Ming Huang, an assistant physician at the Division of Colorectal Surgery at Hanming Christian Hospital in Taiwan, said that a diet of grains with vegetables is very beneficial in preventing colorectal cancer. .

His patients always ask him, “I’ve been eating a lot of vegetables, but how come I still have colon cancer?”

In fact, there are two other problems with too many vegetables and fruits.

1. Eat ugly vegetables

Huang pointed out that people often enjoy selecting attractive fruits and vegetables when shopping for food. However, the better the produce looks, the more pesticides it contains. And if they haven’t been thoroughly cleaned, people ingest these toxins.

2. Do not eat so many vegetables that they overwhelm your intestine

Eating too many vegetables, which means excessive intake of insoluble fiber, will also increase the load on the intestines, so that the intestines will be overworked. Eating too much insoluble fiber will increase the amount of stool in your intestines, which can easily cause constipation, one of the risk factors for colon cancer.

types of rice

When eating rice as a staple, most people eat gluten-free, germ-free white rice as it tastes better. This ends up reducing its nutritional benefit.

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Brown rice, which retains these parts, is tougher. But you can compromise and mix your rice with brains with white rice.

However, for people with poor gastrointestinal digestion, it is recommended to use white rice as a staple food. White rice is easy to digest and also contains a certain amount of micronutrients and fiber.

According to Huang, in addition to starch, rice also contains soluble fiber, which can help with bowel movements. “Eating rice can lead to smoother bowel movements and the intestines will become even healthier.”

Eating grains with vegetables is also in line with the principles of TCM health preservation regimen. As the Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor says, “The five grains act as food; the five fruits serve to increase; the five pets provide additional benefits; and the five vegetables complement the diet.”

Eating grains and cereals can nourish the body, help strengthen the spleen and stomach, enhance yang energy, and allow food to be fully converted into energy. According to Dr. Jonathan Liu, a professor of traditional Chinese medicine at a Canadian public university, traditional Chinese medicine believes that the fundamental problem with colon cancer is a lack of yang energy.

Liu explained that 93 percent of colorectal cancer patients are over 45 years old, at the turning point of life when the body’s yang energy goes from prosperity to decline. A poor diet will cause internal disorders in the body and will also damage the yang energy. On the contrary, a balanced diet, including a normal intake of grains, can better protect the yang energy and give the body greater immunity against cancer.


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