Does drinking green tea after a meal reduce weight, know what is the truth?

Best Time To Drink Green Tea: Nowadays people have started drinking green tea whether at office or at home, some people may not like the taste of green tea, but after reading about its benefits, have made a habit of drinking green tea. Green tea increases the amount of antioxidants in our body. It boosts metabolism and also helps in weight loss. Green tea also removes the risk of type-2 diabetes. Drinking green tea also helps in digestion. This is the reason why some people drink green tea immediately after eating food. They feel that the food will be digested and the weight will also be reduced. Let us know whether drinking green tea after eating really benefits?

green tea after meal
If you think that drinking green tea will reduce weight or will help in digestion, then let us tell you that drinking tea immediately after eating any kind of tea is harmful. This makes it difficult to absorb essential nutrients. Even though the antioxidants and polyphenols in green tea aid in digestion, it should not be consumed immediately after a meal. The tannins and caffeine found in it can disrupt digestion. It can also cause indigestion.

right time to drink green tea
If you drink green tea in lunch or dinner time, then you should drink it only after half an hour to 45 minutes after eating. By the way, it is said that drinking green tea 2 hours before and 2 hours after eating gives the most benefit.

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empty stomach green tea
Some people drink green tea on an empty stomach in the morning instead of tea, but doing so can harm you. Drinking green tea on an empty stomach can cause nausea. The tannins present in it can increase the acid in the stomach. Due to this you may have stomach pain or gas problem.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.
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