Drinking alcohol is not only harmful to the liver, it can cause 200 diseases, you won’t believe it.

Side effect of drinking alcohol: Some people drink alcohol to have fun, while others use it to forget their sorrows. But this alcohol acts as a slow poison for our body which can give us many diseases and its excessive consumption also affects the liver and heart. In such a situation, let us tell you today which diseases can increase the risk of alcohol consumption and why you should abstain from it.

Alcohol consumption can increase the risk of these diseases

liver damage
Alcohol directly damages our liver. If a person drinks a lot of alcohol every day, it has a detrimental effect on their liver and the body takes alcohol as a toxin. It destroys liver cells and can also cause serious diseases like cirrhosis, which can take the form of cancer. Additionally, excessive alcohol consumption can also cause fatty liver problems.

affect heart health
Yes, consuming too much alcohol can cause blood to clot in the body, which directly affects the health of your heart. Experts believe that a person who consumes too much alcohol has difficulty pumping blood to their heart, which increases the risk of heart disease and, in many cases, can even lead to death from a heart attack.

affect the nervous system
Consuming too much alcohol can also affect our nervous system, it can lead to brain-related diseases and the ability to speak, think and remember things decreases. Tremors may occur in the body, balance may deteriorate, and there is also a risk of serious illnesses like depression and brain damage.

People who drink too much alcohol have nutrient deficiencies in their body, and due to iron deficiency, they may become victims of anemia. This is a condition in which the amount of blood in the body becomes very low and due to the decrease in the amount of blood in the body, problems such as weakness, dizziness and loss of consciousness may occur.

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Alcohol is also directly linked to cancer. Yes, people who drink too much alcohol can get cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx and food pipe. Apart from this, the risk of liver, breast and intestinal cancer is also higher.

Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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