Eating curd or buttermilk in the rain can make you sick, know why you should not eat curd

Avoid These Food in Monsoon: There are many things that can harm your health during the rainy season. One of these is yogurt. Eating curd in the rain increases the risk of throat problems and colds. No matter how much curd you eat in summer, but in the rain, drinking curd and its products like lassi, buttermilk and whey should be avoided. Actually, the digestive system becomes very weak in the rain. In such a situation, only light food should be included in the diet. Let us know what are the problems caused by curd in the rainy season.

Should we eat curd in the rain or not?
1- According to Ayurveda, consumption of curd or things made from it should be avoided in monsoon.
2- The reason behind this is that in the rain, the bacteria in dairy products increase a lot, which damages the stomach.
3- Consumption of high protein diet should be reduced in the rain. Yogurt is rich in protein, so avoid eating curd.
4- Doctors recommend eating fresh and hot food in the rain, while curd is of cold effect.
5- Yogurt contains bacteria that are beneficial for the stomach, but if the bacteria are in excess, they can also do harm.
6- If you are very fond of eating curd and cannot live without curd, then try to eat only fresh curd stored at home.
7- Eating sour or stale curd in rain can cause sore throat.
8- If you want to eat curd in the rain, then eat it by making raita with a splash or eat it by diluting the curd a little.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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