Fat Burning Soup – My Best Recipe to Lose Weight and Get in Shape Fast

A fat burning soup that’s delicious and filling is one of the best ways to slim down and get that flat stomach fast without starving yourself or spending days on a boring treadmill.

Asian moms have a variety of soup recipes for this exact purpose, I can’t tell you how many of my 4 sisters and I grew up in Taiwan… and they did like crazy.

Today I’m going to give you a treat, one of my favorite fat burning soup recipes that I use in my local weight loss classes with students who want to lose weight fast without consuming junk food Are!

Fat Burning Soup – The Skinny Asian Way

There are so many different fat burning soup mixes on the market today that it can be confusing and overwhelming to sift through the crap and find the best solution. Much of it is prepackaged in powder form and loaded with artificial preservatives and chemicals, definitely not a natural and healthy way to get lean.

And while you’re not going to learn all the fat-burning soup recipes that Asian women use to slim down (even just after having a baby) from just one online article, Here are some great tips you can pick to get you started:

1. Follow my Fat Burning Soup Ingredients List closely – Stick to this list of key items, don’t improvise as they are all important for improving your metabolic rate:

– 1 to 2 x cans of red tomatoes

– 2 x green chilies

– 1 x Head of Cabbage

– 1 x teaspoon each rosemary, parsley, tarragon and sage

– 3 x garlic cloves (normal size, chopped)

  how to lose 20 lbs in 2 weeks

– 1 x Large Red Onion

– 2 x ounces standard shiitake mushrooms

– 1 x hot pepper (don’t worry, you’ll barely taste it but it’s important for weight loss)

– 1 x 3-inch piece of kombu seaweed (can be hard to find, skip this if you can’t find any)

– 1 x cube of vegetable based broth

– 1 x Typical Celery Bunch

– 1 x tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil

2. Prepare this magic fat burning soup as follows –Cut everything into bite-sized pieces, and put it in a medium pot. Add water till it is completely submerged and then cover with a lid.

Let everything come to a boil and leave for 10-12 minutes. Next, reduce the heat to low (simmer) and continue cooking until the vegetables are nice and tender (this usually takes another 10 minutes).

I made this exact fat-burning soup for students to lose over 5 pounds in a week by replacing what you normally eat for dinner, but if you’re on the go or working and can’t resist It also makes a great lunch if you need a fast food run.

3. If you are never able to lose weight, then try this secret recipe – I know this can be frustrating, but if you are upset because nothing has worked then you need to learn one of the most powerful secret free ways Asian women can get their belly in less than a month And to remove fat from thighs. Without having to starve or do crazy workouts.

Source by Catherine Cheng

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