Feed these 5 things to children, there will be no zinc deficiency in the body

Zinc In Food: Zinc is an essential mineral to keep our body healthy. Zinc helps in the proper development of children. Lack of zinc affects the height of children. Most importantly, due to zinc deficiency, immunity becomes very weak, due to which you fall ill again and again. Zinc deficiency leads to hair loss and loss of appetite. In such a situation, doctors recommend consuming foods rich in zinc. If your child is suffering from zinc deficiency, then make sure to consume these 5 foods.

foods rich in zinc

1-Cashew- Everyone should eat cashews anyway, but those who lack zinc in their body should eat them especially. Cashews are very much liked by children. Cashews contain zinc, vitamin K, vitamin A, copper, etc. in good amounts, so cashews must be consumed.

2- Cereals- Bajra, ragi, barley and jowar are such things in cereals in which zinc is found in abundance. In such a situation, keep in mind that you get your children to consume these things.

3- Legumes- Among legumes, gram, beans and lentils are considered to be the three most important substances, which are considered to be sources of zinc. In such a situation, the consumption of all these things is necessary for the body so that there is no deficiency of zinc in the body.

4- Mushroom- Mushrooms are very low in calories and high in nutrients like Vitamin A, C, E, Iron, Zinc which proves beneficial for the body. In such a situation, eat more and more mushrooms.

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5- Egg yolk- Egg yolk is rich in zinc. Many people do not eat the yellow part of the egg, but you should eat it to meet the deficiency of zinc. Zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B12, thiamine, vitamin B6, folate and panthenonic acid are found in the egg yolk.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

read this also: Kids Health: Baby may have loss of appetite, zinc deficiency, do not ignore these symptoms

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