Five Fat Busting Myths and Five Real Weight Loss Routines to Lose Weight

Many weight loss ‘tips’ may be nothing more than myths that may ultimately harm your body, or may only provide a short term solution to weight loss.

1. starving

Not only is this extremely unhealthy and dangerous, it will not provide you with a long-term solution for weight loss and may actually make you gain weight in the long term. Not only is it highly unlikely that you’ll keep it up, but it will rob you of energy, you’ll feel tired and weak and you’ll crave fatty foods. When you decide to eat, you will eat excessively to satisfy your hunger.

2. ‘Low fat’ or ‘reduced fat’ labels prove it is healthy

According to the NHS, a low-fat label must meet certain criteria; However, foods labeled low-fat are not required to meet the same criteria, which means you may be under the mistaken impression that the label means the food is healthy. Read packaging carefully to clarify fat content and calories.

3. Carbohydrates make you gain weight

Carbohydrates eaten in moderation contribute to a balanced diet. People who lose weight don’t cut out carbohydrates all together, but they do eat less of them. Good carbohydrates include brown rice, wholemeal bread and wholewheat pasta.

4. Drinking water helps you lose weight

Drinking water regularly definitely contributes to hydration levels and staying healthy, but it is not responsible for helping you lose weight. However, sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger, so drinking regularly can ensure you’re not snacking unnecessarily. The official recommendation by the NHS is around 2 liters per day.

5. Margarine is healthier than butter

  Your heart rate should not exceed this value when doing cardio at the gym.

it is not true; Both definitely contain fat, just different types of fat. According to the NHS, margarine generally has less saturated fat than butter, but it does contain trans fat—which is more harmful than saturated fat. The NHS recommends that you reduce the amount of saturated and hydrogenated fat in your diet to lose weight.

Exercise contributes greatly to weight loss, so a structured and regular exercise regime will help you lose weight and keep it off long term.

Here are 5 weight loss tips that really work.

1. If your stomach is full then do not eat much.

If you find that you feel full and you know that eating more is not necessary, then stop eating. There is no need to feel that you have to finish the whole plate if you are not hungry now. Eating enough to keep you satisfied means you’ll learn what size is best for you.

2. Have breakfast

Breakfast provides energy to keep you active till lunch. It boosts your metabolism and acts as ‘fuel’ for the day. According to, it wakes up your body and burns calories.

3. Take a Multivitamin

Multivitamins can provide you with nutrients you may not be getting from your daily diet. Multivitamins are available to suit your gender and age and to target specific needs.

4. Find an exercise regime to suit you

visit a health club And a gym means you can see a professional personal trainer who can design an exercise plan tailored to you, your strengths, and what you want to accomplish. By creating a routine at home, you may be doing the wrong kind of exercise without knowing it.

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Source by Glenn Tucker

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