Free Tips for Losing Weight – Gorgeous Dieting Inspiration from a Slim Grandma

Grandma wasn’t the kind of woman who told you what to do, except “Stand up straight! Suck in your gut!” she justDid Things, simply lived and teach us through their actions. He never gave away free weight loss tips, because he never put on enough weight to lose weight!

I lived with him for a few years in my childhood. She started each day with a cup of hot water tea, which I didn’t interpret as a hyperactive rug rat wanting another cola fix. He had a glass of water in his hand which he drank sip by sip all day, Breakfast was mandatory. You weren’t forgiven until you finished, and became a “Clean Plate Club” member. She takes care of her huge backyard garden, but everything is huge when you’re a half-giant kid. She grew cabbage, cucumbers, spinach, and although my friends ate just about anything green, Grandma made super soups that worked for me.

To her, these habits were just common sense, healthy prevention routines, but these free tips for losing weight are integral to successful programs that shed pounds and keep them off. Make them your daily life…just like grandma did.

Start your day with warm water and lemon juice. Stimulate your bowels with 8 ounces of warm water and half a lemon. In addition to plumping your lips, it speeds up detox in the liver.

Have a snack during your first hour. Get up and have your most important meal. If you don’t get some energy food in you, you will be a snack addict all day long.

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Drink cranberry juice and water…all day, Want to encourage the release of that trapped fat? Mix 8 ounces of unsweetened cranberry juice with 2 quarts of water and sip throughout the day.

Fresh fruit alone till noon. Mmmm…good for you, high water content. For an energy boost, fruits are digested quickly if they are alone in your stomach, not with other food groups.

Soup is a superhero! Low calorie, easy to prepare, nutritious and filling meal. make your own. There’s so much salt in the canned stuff that the whole neighborhood could have a heart attack.

Better posture = better body. Free Tips To Lose Weight With Instant Results? Stand or sit straight and you will see that you have already lost weight. Flatten that belly and tighten those buttocks!

Mother Nature says, “Go organic!” Grocery stores have them, but why not grow them? There’s nothing quite like the grand exercise of gardening and a home grown tomato.

Source by Ben Airdunat

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