Gelatin is an important ally to reduce belly fat

Nutritionists talk about the benefits of gelatin for health and beauty.

Tasty, refreshing and easy to prepare, gelatin has been regarded as a go-to baby food for many years. But after many studies, experts say that it brings health benefits to people of all ages, for example, as an important source of collagen, a protein that strengthens nails, joints, hair and skin. Contributes to moisturizing.

When consumed regularly, gelatin helps in lowering the level of blood cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose control. If you are trying to lose belly fat then this is good news as this simple food will play a vital role in eliminating the bad fat in your body, especially around your belly. Food has properties that strengthen bones and protect the body from diseases like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. In addition, gelatin can help slow down the aging process of the skin.

According to research from several institutions, around the age of 25 our bodies begin to produce less collagen and therefore, the substance must be found elsewhere. Combined with other foods, gelatin can be of great help in fighting aging and belly fat. With higher levels of collagen, skin becomes firmer, better able to keep hydrated and less likely to be marked by wrinkles while maintaining strong hair and nails.

There is a type of gelatin which is much more effective than normal. It goes by the name of hydrolyzed and pumped with collagen. This protein is responsible for the firmness of the skin and provides substances that accelerate metabolism, in other words burning fat. By the age of 25, the body produces about 70% of its collagen. Eventually, the body stops supporting itself with the strength of the skin and hair and nails. By age 50, production drops to 30% of the norm. For this reason, the more potent the gelatin, the better. Hydrolyzed is low in calories and reduces appetite like no other. It gives a feeling of fullness. This sends information to the brain of satiety over a longer period of time. This product is incredibly powerful when trying to lose belly fat. See the difference between these two types of gelatin below.

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plain gelatin

It is a delicious and refreshing dessert. Hence, it reduces anxiety and satisfies the craving for sweets.

Contains approximately 4.3% collagen and the lighter version, 4.9%

hydrolyzed gelatin

no sweetie. Apart from being consumed in powder form, it also has a version in capsules.

Contains 85% collagen on average, 20 times more than conventional.

Remember that there is no miracle cure for reducing belly fat. Do your part and use the tips as leverage. you have choice and responsibility reduce belly fat Not only for aesthetic reasons but mainly for health reasons.

Source by Carmen Beese

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