health benefits of indian food

Are you fond of eating variety of dishes but still conscious of your health. Well, if you are, then you must be worrying about trying different types of Indian food. Why do I say this? This is because it can provide a lot of benefits to your health.

Firstly, Indian food is usually hot. It contains many chilies and peppercorns to contribute to its flavor. Leafy vegetables, nuts, and legumes are also some of the basic ingredients used in the cuisine. How are they beneficial?

Tumeric is a primary ingredient used with Indian cuisine. It is a ginger root that is used to add spice to food. It has been proven to have many health benefits and is acknowledged as one of the primary contributors to Indian food’s ability to contribute to better health. Tumors can prevent heart failure and aid in the heart’s natural healing against damage. However, just remember that if you’re planning to maximize turmeric’s benefits, it’s best to reduce the amount of certain ingredients in the foods you eat or prepare. A classic example is curry. Curries contain turmeric but also contain many ingredients that are not good for the heart, such as nuts and butter. Turmeric has been shown to reduce joint inflammation and reduce or prevent the development of arthritis. In addition to helping with heart and arthritis problems, tumeric also stimulates the production of enzymes that protect the brain from oxidative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

From the health benefits attributed to turmeric, let’s move on to a more general view of how Indian food can help with our health. Firstly, by eating properly prepared food it can help in controlling your weight. How? Various spices promote satiety so you consume fewer calories. In addition, these peppers and spices combined with vegetables, garlic and beans can help bring about good insulin levels. Chilies also help by stimulating the production of endorphins, substances that work to improve your mood and act as a natural anti-depressant. Finally, the hot pepper will promote the opening of passages for air, which will improve your breathing. The high level of fiber is another factor in Indian food being healthy. Lentils and chickpeas, which are often used in Indian cuisine, help reduce cholesterol levels and also promote better heart health.

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Let’s say you’ve finished the main course and you’re thinking of having dessert. Go! There is no need to worry as these are healthy too. Basically, desserts are made of fresh fruits and whole grains. Many are rich in protein and iron.

You see, eating Indian food can help give you better health. Just remember, if you want to maximize its effects, consume them in moderation and try to avoid ingredients that may counteract its health benefits.

Source by Sean Franco

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