Health Tips: Do not eat these things even after forgetting with mango, you may fall ill

Mango Eating Tips: Mango is the best selling and eaten fruit as soon as summer comes. It is not just called the king of fruits. This mango is a very tasty fruit rich in nutrients. If you get to eat fresh juicy and full of flavor mango, then it is fun. Mango lovers find the taste of mango sweeter than sweets. Mango food is very much liked by everyone, from children to elders. Some people also eat roti and paratha with mango. At the same time, such a craze about mango is seen among people that some people eat mangoes with rice or soon after eating they start craving for mangoes, but do you know that you do not have mangoes with some things at all. Want food. This may harm your health instead of benefit. Combination of many things with mango can create mess. Know which things should not be eaten with mango.

Yogurt with mango If you eat mango with food, then do not consume curd together. Some people like to eat mango and curd, but this combination is not considered good for health. By eating mango and curd together, more carbon dioxide starts to form in the body. Which can give you trouble.

Water with mango Some people drink water while eating fruits or while eating food. If you are eating mango with or immediately after food, then change the habit of drinking water. This increases the risk of infection in your intestines. Water should be drunk only after half an hour after eating mango or any fruit.

  अंडे के साथ कभी भी न खाएं यह चीजें, शरीर के इन अंगों को कर सकता है डैमेज

Mango and Bitter gourd- If you are eating bitter gourd vegetable in food, then you should not eat mango with it. Consuming bitter gourd and mango together can cause many harm to health. This can cause vomiting, nausea and you may also have trouble breathing.

Cold drink with mango Some people drink cold drinks with food, such people should not consume cold drinks with mangoes. The amount of sugar in both mango and cold drinks is very high, which can be harmful for your health. Therefore, both the things should not be consumed together at all.

Mango and spicy food You should not consume spicy things with mango. Avoid eating any spicy food after or with mangoes. Due to this you can get skin diseases. This can also cause stomach problems.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

read this also: Weight Loss Tips: Is it right to eat fruits at night, take care of these things

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