Health Tips: These 4 things will drive away stress and anxiety, definitely consume them

Depression After Covid-19: The corona pandemic has changed the lives of people a lot. After this epidemic, people are facing many types of mental problems. Due to living in an environment of fear and stress, physical and mental problems are increasing more. This is the reason that in the last few years, the number of patients of depression and anxiety has increased significantly. To avoid this problem, doctors are advising adopting a healthy lifestyle and doing yoga. Apart from this, you should include such things in the diet, which keep the mind strong and happy. Today we are telling you such things which will reduce the problem of anxiety and stress.

1- Moringa- Moringa is a superfood. Its leaves are used in Ayurveda to cure many diseases. Its consumption helps in relieving stress. If you want, you can also use Moringa powder. It helps in relieving anxiety and stress.

2- Banana- By eating banana, happy hormones are activated in your body. If you feel like tension and anxiety, then you should eat a banana immediately. This will give energy to the body and you will feel good. Due to this sugar reaches the body and you increase your happy hormone.

3- Ashwagandha- Ashwagandha is considered a very important medicine in Ayurvedic medicine. Eating 1 gram of Ashwagandha daily provides great relief in stress. This also removes the problem of anxiety. You can also consume Ashwagandha powder.

4- Saffron- Saffron is used to reduce anxiety and stress. Due to this, happy hormones are activated in the brain, which drives away stress and anxiety. Saffron is very beneficial for health. You can also smell it by tying it in a cloth.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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