Healthy Diet Plan or Diet Myth?

Diet plan or diet myth seems like a straightforward question, but in trying to come up with a healthy eating plan, many people get confused about the accuracy of diet advice.

So let’s try and establish some facts so that instead of getting caught up in the many diet myths, you can choose a healthy eating plan that suits you.

A lot of “fat” people think they are fat because of their DNA. You must have heard that some people inherit genes related to obesity and this is a proven fact.

However, genetic facts are not a good excuse to avoid a weight loss program.

There are many people who do not accept that a healthy diet is a part of losing weight. Well they are wrong! A healthy weight loss diet is easily proven as soon as you step on the bathroom weighing scale. A healthy diet includes six to eight glasses of water a day, five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day, lean meats and quality carbohydrates.

Ignore foods high in saturated fat, sugar and salt as well as the dreaded muffins (350 calories+), cakes, biscuits and pastries filled with fancy cream. Add about 25 – 30 minutes of movement each day and you will be on your way to a fit and healthy body.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a treat or two, provided they’re just one or two and in moderation. You might keep in mind the title of the old song “A Lit of What Your Fans Do You Good” by old-time music-hall star Mary Lloyd in the late 19th century.

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Many people are unaware that processed foods are not as healthy as fresh fruits and vegetables and consider this information to be one of the diet myths. They seem to have been captivated by the idyllic depictions of happy animals in wild surroundings. However, fruits and vegetables have health-giving properties superior to processed foods. They are often jam-packed with salt, sugar, preservatives and additives to improve flavor and shelf life.

There’s no need to go back to processed foods unless you have nothing else in the house. In fact, one good reason to eat fresh produce is that it’s cheaper and more satisfying. It’s easy to fill up on wholesome foods like rice, lentils, beans and vegetables if you eat a properly planned healthy menu. And, a useful bonus, it will have a much more appealing flavor and be an essential part of any diet plan.

Therefore, a good diet plan does not have to be expensive, in fact it will be much cheaper than takeaway and oven-ready meals. Sure, it’s an urban myth that fresh fruits and vegetables are much pricier than ready meals, processed foods, and the like.

However, this does mean that you will have to spend a little extra time preparing your meals. Still, excellent diet plans are well worth the trouble.

Source by Jack Ritchies

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