Healthy Food Recipes – Let’s Enjoy a Healthy Dinner

It matters little whether you are cooking for your family or for a party, all you want while cooking is a sign of happiness on each and every face as they are finished with their lunch or dinner . For that you definitely need some help and this is what makes healthy food recipes so important. You’ve got some great ideas for some delicious recipes that can be cooked quickly and served fast.

Here is a healthy food recipe which is easy to cook and sweet to eat.

It takes only 30 minutes without added sugar and is low in calories.

Mixed Berries and Semolina Pudding

o 1 | Milk

o a pinch of salt

o 150 grams of semolina

o 20 g butter

o 2 eggs, separated

o 20g extra cold butter

o 1 tbsp ground cinnamon

o 750g berry mix (frozen)

(1) Add salt and butter to the milk and boil it.

(2) Once the milk starts heating, cook the fruit according to the package directions.

(3) When the milk starts boiling, keep stirring the semolina with a spoon. Slowly reduce the heat to simmer for about 10 minutes. The mixture gradually thickens. Keep stirring to avoid burning.

(4) Incorporate the remaining butter and a little beaten egg yolk. Put cinnamon and cinnamon in the halwa. Mix it well, beat the egg whites until stiff and then carefully place them in the bottom of the pudding. Add some fruit, spread berries on top for garnish, add a dash of cinnamon and it’s ready to be served.

With the economic downturn in recent times it is becoming difficult for most of us to eat out all the time. Plus, high-calorie, fat, and sodium-rich foods or packaged, boxed, or frozen meals last a long time are giving many of us a real hard time. Easy Healthy Food Recipes gives you the scope to enjoy fast tasty food at home.

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Source by Mohamed Tohami

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