How to Calm Your Inner Critic and Lose Weight

Whether you say it out loud or not, we all have that inner critic that gets you down and it’s like a tape on repeat in your head. Over and over again it goes – my arms are flabby, I’m too fat, I’m ugly and unattractive, she’s so skinny, I’m a failure. Yet you do everything you can to lose weight and you never do, you try all the fad diets, all the juice diets and you never get any satisfactory results. What you see and feel is more pain in your failure. You constantly hit repeat on your mind tape.

Well, I would like to share the solution and result in weight loss easily and effortlessly.

Your inner critic is actually your ego. And if you’re a woman, I like to call it your shego! Whenever you want to make a change – your ego pipes up – lose weight, get rid of your belly fat, change your career – and tells you you can’t do it. It sounds something like this – “You can’t do that, it didn’t work before, why would it work now, my body doesn’t move fat easily, I’m too busy, I’ll start next week”

It’s all self-sabotage, because your ego is a part of you! You want to achieve something so badly yet you just can’t seem to accomplish it? Why? Your ego is preventing you from making changes and growing to keep you safe. It sounds strange but the moment you refuse to believe in your ego, the moment you take a giant leap in your life, in your career, weight loss, belly fat, flabby arms, absolutely everything.

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So now that you know what I am talking about your inner critic, how do you deal with it to lose weight, get a flatter stomach and so on.


3 simple steps.

1) You must be very clear about what you want. How much weight do you want to lose, how do you look, how do you feel, what clothes do you wear now? Don’t limit yourself to this. Make round cards and post them around your house, on your computer and pay attention to them! Ask yourself this question – where do I want to be in 6 months time that will truly make me happy with my progress? You know you don’t want to be where you are now in 6 months – you want to lose weight, tone your arms and feel more confident and abundantly happy. Everyone does it, but not everyone follows it.

2) Believe you can do it! No matter what anyone tells you – you can do or be whatever you want in this world, the only person stopping you is yourself! Stay away from people who don’t support your dreams, stay away from people who say you won’t succeed. Surround yourself with friends and family who support you and will hold you accountable to your weight loss goals, not the ones who will let you off the hook and bring you cake and chocolate!

3) Take action – If you want to lose weight and you have a trainer telling you what to eat, you should listen to them! Why eat junk food or binge drink when you’re not getting any closer to your goal? Your body and your life is a matter of personal responsibility! We are constantly telling our clients that we are responsible for showing them how to lose weight, but ultimately it is an issue of personal responsibility. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot force him to drink. You must embrace it and understand that it is your life and you choose how you want to live it! If you don’t know what to do, get help; Find someone accountable. Just do something in the right direction towards your goal.

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I know it sounds too simple to work out but it is so deceptively simple that we tend to dismiss it at the drop of a hat. We were born to live an abundant life, one filled with greatness and pure joy! It is your choice how you live your life, but I personally choose to live a life of splendor and passion.

Make a decision to change and watch the weight come off as you take one step closer to your goal every day! One of my favorite quotes – You either have the life of your dreams/body or you have a lifetime of excuses as to why it didn’t happen. I believe in you, I walk this journey with you and I love you.

Source by Mark Garlick

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