How To Fast To Lose Weight Fast And Keep It Off Forever

Fasting is easy to lose weight fast. All you have to do is stop eating. But what’s to stop you from regaining that weight when the fast is over? What would have changed? Two things: Your belly has shrunk and your sensual awareness has increased. – A powerful one-two punch to permanently regain that weight.

You have to start fasting in your mind, then spread it in the body, First make up your mind That you can and will do it. Note that I did not ask to “try” to fast. If youtry you will fail This is where the Zen mindset comes in handy. Trying something out means it’s not already a done deal, so guess what? It’s never a done deal! So, either do it or don’t. Being Mr. in-between doesn’t work.

you make up your mind by convincing your subconscious That this is what you are now doing and doing. present tense. You repeat your mission over and over again until it becomes completely ingrained and ingrained. The idea of ​​fasting should be right with your whole mind. If there is reservation, reservation will win and your fast will lose. Tell yourself over and over again something like, “I’ve been avoiding food for a while, and it’s easier than I imagined!” Again, present tense. and don’t say, “I am No are eating,” because the subconscious cannot process a negative construct.

The example we’ll use here is for a weight loss goal of 12 pounds. Use your common sense and doctor’s approval to adapt it to your personal goals, age, physical condition, etc.

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Here’s the formula for what we call Tthat 3-2-1 sharp, It consists of three mini-fasts seven days apart. The first lasts for three days and is followed by seven days of mindful eating. The second fast is of two days and the third is of one day. It is important to keep a journal or record of the food you eat and the approximate portion sizes. You will lose about six or seven pounds on the first phase of the fast, three or four on the second, and two or three more on the third. Of course, individual results will vary. To lose more than 12 pounds, continue fasting only one day per week for as long as you want.

Each fast involves drinking about 10 to 14 glasses per day. Plain or mineral water and diluted fruit juice. No solid food at all. Between and during fasts, it is very helpful to do some physical exercise and stretching, – some type of gentle aerobics or brisk walking three to five days per week is ideal. get lots of rest. Take a few naps during the day if you can, or take frequent breaks from your daily activities. Practice some form of relaxation or meditation on a regular basis to neutralize any stress in your life.

Coming down from each fast is just as important as the fast itself. This has to be done slowly and carefully. but it will be easier than you expect because your stomach has shrunk Less than half of its “normal” size. This means that when you do return to eating, you will be completely satisfied on less than half your normal meal size. And with each fast it gets easier.

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The way to eat more mindfully is to chew your food very slowly, using all five senses. Now eat with reverence and appreciation. Think of food as meditation. Make it a meditation. First notice how beautiful the food looks on the plate with its different sizes, bright colors and balanced arrangements. As if in slow motion, lift a small forkful of food to your mouth, then return the fork to the table between bites. Do not put more food in your mouth until the previous portion has been completely chewed, tasted and swallowed.

Now feel the food in your mouth without any effort. Notice how your tongue moves the food from side to side, back and forth, and round and round on your tongue, cheeks, palate and lips – to get the most out of each bite – the tiniest iota of delightful flavor Do not miss Watch the temperature in your mouth and the smooth or crunchy texture of the food as thousands of happy little taste buds now open to taste a circus of delicious flavors and delightful aromas. When solids become almost liquid, you objectively see saliva dripping from the mouth and swallowing slowly.

And as long as you’re eating like this, You watch very closely, like a cat at a mouse hole, for the first time the impression that the appetite with which you began to eat has subsided – then you Stop eating immediately! Your stomach is full and you are completely satisfied – but the amazing thing is that you have only eaten five or six ounces of food!

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Attention Now you have to be aware and careful about two things. One, your eyes will be much larger than your stomach for several weeks – unless you overeat. Habit gone. and two, you can feel disappointed That you are full so quickly when you were expecting a big feast after fasting. That’s rough, faulty thinking. Don’t fall for it. If you repeatedly overeat, your belly will expand again and all your good work will go to waste.

congrats on getting your belly shape right Naturally! Now you are feeling very happy and proud of yourself.

Enjoy your food!

Source by William F McLaughlin

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