how to reduce belly fat and get six pack abs

Many men want to reduce belly fat and get that attractive 6 pack abs. However, if you are not doing the right things, you will fail to get a flat stomach. In this article, I will tell you some proven tips to reduce belly fat and get sexy abs.

1. Stop doing crunches and sit ups.

Do you spend a lot of time working on your abdominal muscles? Are you seeing any good results? The fact is that your abdominal muscles have developed but they will not be visible because they are under your belly fat.

2. Cardio and weight training.

Full body workouts like cardio and weight training will help you burn body fat and belly fat fast. Try to do at least 45 minutes of cardio 3 days a week. You can choose the activity you like: running, jogging, walking, hiking and aerobic classes.

Weight training is also important because it helps you build muscle and increase your metabolism. Aim for 20-40 minutes, 3 times a week.

3. It is important to eat the right food.

To get six pack abs, your body fat percentage should be low. You can get the body of your dreams by eating the right diet. You’ll need to eat more protein, complex carbs, and fiber-rich foods.

4. Stay away from junk food.

Are you eating junk food or drinking too much soda or pure juice? You have to stop consuming such foods as they are high in calories.

Lastly, to lose belly fat and get sexy abs, you need to combine the right exercises with a healthy diet.

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Source by Sarah Brownss

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