Tips For Healthy Heart: Nowadays people have started having problems of heart and blood pressure at the age of 30-40. The main reason for this is our deteriorating lifestyle. Due to wrong eating habits and reducing physical labor, people have started getting more heart problems. As people age, the risk of heart attack, heart stroke and heart failure is increasing. Another reason for having heart problems is genetic problems. If someone in the family has had a heart problem such as heart failure, heart attack or stroke before the age of 55, then the risk of other people in the family getting heart related diseases increases. In this case, you need to be very careful. You should make these lifestyle changes to avoid the risk of heart diseases.
1- Control of blood sugar- Some people start having heart problems after having diabetes. In such a situation, it is important for you to control your blood sugar. If someone in the family has heart disease, then especially you should take care and keep blood sugar under control.
2- Keep weight control- Weight gain increases the risk of heart, diabetes and many other problems. In such a situation, if there is a risk of heart disease due to genetic reasons in your family, then you need to always keep your weight under control.
3- Exercise- To keep the heart healthy and keep the body fit, it is necessary to exercise regularly. You must do yoga or any cardio exercise for a while. This can prevent heart diseases. To keep the body healthy, at least 30 minutes of exercise should be done daily. It also reduces heart related problems.
4- Distance from tobacco-cigarette- People who have had a disease like heart attack, stroke or heart failure in their family history should not consume tobacco at all. Tobacco and smoking are known to increase the risk of heart disease.
5- Do not drink alcohol- If you have heart disease in the family history, you should stay away from alcohol. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of heart disease. Due to this your immunity weakens and the body falls ill quickly.
Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.
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