If you want to keep yourself safe from air pollution, then include this super food in your diet.

Foods to Protect from Air Pollution: In today’s time, pollution is increasing very fast in the whole world including India. The problem of air pollution has become very big in all the big cities of the country including Delhi, Lucknow, Mumbai. Due to air pollution, people are facing many health related problems. People are at increased risk of stroke and sinusitis by breathing in dirty air for a long time. Along with this there can be diseases like allergies, lung infection, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

In such a situation, the team of ‘University of Delaware’ has done a research to reduce the negative effects of air pollution on the body. In this research it has been found that many types of vegetables reduce the effect of air pollution on the body.

Prevents acrolein from being made in the body
Let us tell you that if you stay in air pollution for a long time, acrolein starts making too much in your body. It starts forming due to the smoke of cigarettes and vehicles. In such a situation, it can cause many types of health problems. Let us tell you that according to the report published in ‘The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry’, the effect of air pollution on the body is reduced due to the consumption of carrots. Let us tell you that a huge amount of phytonutrients are found in things like carrots, celery and beet. It reduces the effect of an element like acrolein on the body. These phytonutrients help in reducing the toxic substance produced due to acrolein in the body.

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Pollution is killing millions of people every year
According to the World Health Organization, every year around 7 million people all over the world lose their lives due to air pollution. Polluted air contains large amounts of particles of nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, ozone etc., which make people’s lungs weak. Along with this, it weakens the immunity of the body. In such a situation, if you want to keep yourself safe from air pollution, then definitely include carrots in your diet.

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