Increase children’s immunity with these things, the child will always be healthy

Kids Immunity Booster Food: To protect children from diseases and to make them healthy, it is most important to strengthen their immunity. Immunity of young children is very weak, due to which any virus infection affects them quickly. In such a situation, you should take great care of the food and drink of the children. Include such things in the diet of children, which strengthen immunity. Let us know what should be fed to children to increase their immunity.

1- Fruits- To increase the immunity of children, definitely include fruits in the diet. Feed children a seasonal fruit every day. Due to this the body gets vitamins and other nutrients. Feed mangoes, guavas and oranges rich in vitamin C to children.

2- Vegetable- Feed green vegetables to children daily. Make seasonal vegetables a part of your diet. Feed things like amla, broccoli and jackfruit to children. These foods strengthen children’s immunity

3- Healthy breakfast- Feed the children some good home-cooked food for breakfast. You can give the children to eat roti, halwa, gram flour and Rajgira laddoos with ghee and jaggery. Apart from this, stuffed paratha and curd can be given. Poha-upma is also a good option.

4- Dal-Rice is necessary- Feed lentils and rice to children at one time in their meals. The body gets protein from lentils which is essential for the development of your baby. Children can also be fed rice with curd rice, lentils and ghee. It provides vitamin B and amino acids.

5- Bread is also necessary- To fill the stomach well and give energy to the child, you should also feed roti. You should give ghee-laden roti to the child. This will keep the child’s stomach full for a long time and the irritability of the child will also go away.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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