Leave high intensity workout and climb 50 stairs in a day, you will lose weight fast

Stairs Climbing Benefits: By doing regular exercise, we not only remain physically fit, but also reduces the risk of many diseases. In such a situation, experts also say that it is very important to do a workout session of 30 to 45 minutes every day, but if you do not have that much time, then you can get the benefit of 30-45 minutes of workout even by climbing only 50 stairs in a day. Let us tell you how climbing stairs not only reduces your weight but also improves blood circulation and can also reduce the risk of heart related diseases.

small change will bring big change

If you use lift or escalator to go to your home, office, mall or anywhere, then stop doing so from today and start using stairs instead. By doing this you can burn your calories fast. If you climb 50 stairs daily, then it can be as beneficial as walking 2000 steps. In such a situation, body fat also reduces rapidly and the blood circulation of the body also improves by going up and down the stairs.

Climb 55 stairs every day, you will get benefits

According to experts, regular use of stairs makes the heart healthy and there is no respiratory problem. Apart from climbing stairs, you can also do jogging slowly or do low-intensity aerobics exercises. According to experts, climbing 55 or more stairs every day reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Not only this, climbing stairs burns 8 to 11 calories every minute. By climbing 20 stairs everyday, weight can be reduced up to 2 kg in 1 year. Not only this, it strengthens bones and muscles and also gives relief in joint pain.

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