Lose Weight Fast For Women – Ways To Keep Yourself Slim

There are many simple things you can do to keep yourself slim. These include sleeping, eating breakfast, a food diary, and the 25-25-50 rule. Following these steps will help you start your weight loss program. It is important to realize that it is not about deprivation and strenuous, unpleasant exercise.

Sleep can be an important factor in weight loss as well as your overall ability to function well. Simply put, get enough sleep. Research has indicated that getting less than 8 hours of sleep a night is related to a higher body mass index. Not getting enough rest has a negative effect on the hormones that control your appetite.

Eating breakfast is important when you are dieting. Studies have found that people who eat breakfast consume fewer calories throughout the day than those who skip breakfast. Skipping meals slows your metabolism by 20 to 30 percent and can lead to overeating.

Even when on a diet, people often underestimate the amount of food they eat. Keeping a food diary is very helpful. You might want to record the what, when and why of your food intake. This can help you identify useful patterns in your eating. The problem may be the time of day, the type of food or food combination, or there may be emotional factors related to dietary changes. Many people are emotional eaters. Eating more or less during times of stress, sadness, loneliness and even happiness. Your emotional triggers can be dealt with in ways other than eating.

Finally, use the 25-25-50 food rule. This means you should eat 25 percent lean meat, 25 percent complex carbs, and 50 percent vegetables and fruits. Complex carbs are foods like beans, whole grains and root vegetables like sweet potatoes and turnips. Be careful with meat. 3 ounces of rib eye steak contains 15 grams of fat while 3 ounces of lean sirloin contains just 5 grams of fat.

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Following these tips will increase your metabolism and reduce the time it takes you to lose the weight you want.

Source by Jeanne Simmons

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