Lose Weight Fast With 3 Free Ways To Lose Weight – Water, Air And Prayer

The three most effective ways to lose weight are free. That’s right, at no cost to you, you can start using the three safest and healthiest weight loss methods right away; And, the best part is that none of them have any adverse side effects, unpleasant taste, or uncomfortable after-effects such as: jitteriness, sleeplessness, restlessness, nausea, or any of the other common side effects of weight loss drugs. Effect.

The three most natural and effective means of weight loss and control are:

  1. water – staying properly hydrated
  2. air – to breathe properly and adequately
  3. Prayer – Positive Mindset, Mindset, and Self-Image

Staying well hydrated helps you shed unwanted, extra weight in several ways. Water helps your cells flush out toxins, and water is essential for proper digestion and other functions that keep your body healthy and clean. Staying properly hydrated will eliminate most of the average person’s health complaints, says Dr. Batmanglij in his book “You’re Not Sick; You’re Thirty: Your Body’s Many Cries for Water.” Drinking water also helps you feel “full” or satisfied; Most people mistake their body’s “thirst-signals” for hunger-signals – so they eat when they are thirsty!

Breathing properly also helps you eliminate unwanted fat and keep it off. To burn fat – or any other fuel – oxygen is needed; The more oxygen you take in, the more fat you can burn. In addition, breathing deeply and completely massages the digestive organs in the abdomen – promoting, aiding and facilitating proper digestion, assimilation and elimination of food as it passes through your body. The more effectively you digest and eliminate your food experiences, the less food you’ll have available to turn into fat and hold onto. Breathing and hydration both improve circulation and remove fats and toxins from the body.

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The final element of natural weight loss and management is prayer. I am not talking about the “Lord’s Prayer,” or any other prayer that people recite from memory; When I speak of prayer, I am referring to your own inner-dialogue, whatever creative power you speak to and give into your hopes and desires. For many, it’s “Dear Lord…” But regardless of how you pray, or what you think or believe you’re praying to, ultimately, this thought only matters. The feelings your thoughts generate are the true “attractive” forces in prayer; And all thinking produces some sort of feeling, or emotional response. If your self-image is one of self-loathing, self-loathing, self-pity, or any other type of thinking that comes from, or causes, low self-esteem, then your body chemistry is producing will eliminate your reasons for feeling the way you are.

To create a healthy, happy person, you must first think of this new person in your mind; Then, you must be willing to learn how this new person thinks about themselves, and how this person feels and behaves as a result of those thought patterns. You have to create – in your mind – a new self-image; And this new you should be happy and smiling and looking and feeling the way you want to, not the way you have in the past, or even now. If your thoughts are sufficiently focused and positive, you will be one of “those” people whose thoughts and attitudes – and feelings and actions – gradually change to reflect a healthier, more positive, self-image. . Even if you starve yourself to burn off unwanted fat, I promise you that those pounds will drop with a vengeance if you don’t experience any change in your self-image. are coming back. If you want to be a lasting success-story, you have to create a lasting feeling of success, not the feeling of a “loser” who lost a few pounds – over and over again…

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You can lose weight quickly and permanently if you get back into a normal rhythm of “positive” thoughts instead of constantly thinking about the stressors of the day and the world – or how much you hate your body or your life. Are. If you start by making a new declaration for yourself, and then focus only on doing the things you can do, and changing your negative thoughts as soon as you notice them, you will soon see yourself in the mirror. Will see a different person – the one you love. But you have to first love the person you see in the mirror – now. Love yourself enough to breathe deeply and fully, and drink enough water every day (I drink about 3-liters); And keep your thoughts about loving your happy and healthy self. Your body will soon catch up with your thoughts; As in all the time.

Source by Pete Koerner

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