Lose Weight – Low Calorie Diet

A low-calorie diet is really simple. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and have some meat to balance it out. Try to avoid meats rich in fat. Fatty beef or fatty pork is a big mistake.

When it comes to a low-calorie diet, one needs to understand the difference between food that is actually fattening and between high-calorie and low-calorie food. If a lot of dressing is put on the salad, it can be made fat. A nice fresh salad with just olive oil and pepper to taste is much healthier.

Many people do not know what goes into the dishes they eat when they go out to eat. For example say you have chocolate pudding for dessert. It looks nice and small, but chocolate pudding is high in calories. Eating out is convenient.

In most cases, fast food or convenience food is not healthy. McDonald’s for example looks harmless with its burgers, chips and soft drinks, but the calorie content of these foods and drinks is very high. A high calorie diet is a recipe for disaster.

People should learn to cook for themselves and prepare healthy dishes for themselves. Cooking for yourself allows you to understand what ingredients are needed to make a dish. You would be surprised at the amount of sugar and butter required to bake a good sweet cake.

Following a diet is hard work. There are many temptations like chocolate and ice cream. Soft drinks are a huge temptation during meals and many people prefer to have beer or soft drinks while eating. The thought of drinking water or tea never crossed his mind. Tea and water are healthy alternatives to drinking and contain few or no calories.

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The number of calories we burn must be less than the number of calories we eat or drink. The equation is quite simple. If the number going in exceeds the number going out, we have a problem. We burn calories when we exercise and we need to exercise regularly to stay fit.

If running three floors up is too tough a task, then you need to start some serious exercise and get the body in shape. A body that is tired and weak will burn calories at a slower rate than a fit and healthy body.

Staying healthy sounds difficult, but it really isn’t. Eating a low-calorie diet is just the beginning. Regular exercise is also essential for successful weight loss.

Source by Chun-Lam S Lo

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