Losing Weight Without the Need for Discipline and Struggle

Counting calories or carbs. Consulting a good foods/bad foods list. Controlling food intake with painful “no”. Traditional methods of weight loss rely on vigilance and self-discipline, which involve stress, effort, and almost inevitably frustration.

A different approach alters the internal, personal landscape of objectives and rewards. Done right, this new approach effortlessly changes the eating patterns and other behaviors that pile on extra pounds and keep them there.

Why are we overweight?

The diet industry and the medical community completely miss the point on this question. If we want to lose weight, we must first remove the reasons that made us fat! But the discussion is only about the way to gain weight – excessive eating and lack of exercise, but not the reason.

Diets continue to fail by failing to address the cause of the weight gain. In our society, we are led to believe that if dieting does not lead to permanent weight loss, then we are a failure. But the opposite is true! This is the diet to fail us.

When people really want to make a change and cannot make it, they usually have what we call secondary benefits – indirect benefits from the behavior they are trying to eliminate. For example, by eating more, a secondary benefit may be feeling protected by the extra pounds or avoiding conflict with a jealous spouse.

achieving sustainable weight loss

When someone tries to lose weight and can’t keep it off, the secondary benefits often get buried in the subconscious. This is where hypnosis comes in handy. Hypnosis addresses self-destructive habits at their core motivation level and substitutes healthy coping mechanisms for unhealthy ones.

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Once secondary gains are resolved, conflicts cease, and the individual easily and naturally makes choices consistent with his goal.

People can painlessly change their behavior to reach their weight loss goals. Hypnosis helps listeners exchange counter-productive eating habits for healthier eating habits. Then the listener learns to let go of their need for emotional eating, then builds a positive body image. And the listener becomes motivated to exercise, which reinforces other changes.

Within a short period of time, these become sustainable lifestyle choices that lead to a healthier, leaner body, increased energy and a calmer state of mind.

a new style of hypnosis

A good quality hypnosis audio program for weight loss includes four components that help someone struggling with weight issues: eating habits, emotional eating, body image and motivation to exercise.

This is a breakthrough in hypnosis for weight loss programs. Hypnosis has been available for weight loss for many years, but most of them only work in the short term. They teach listeners random associations, such as seeing the color red triggers perfection.

But these associations don’t last forever, especially when each one of us already has a lot of associations when it comes to food.

Furthermore, the authoritarian style of most hypnosis programs is counterproductive and does not work for many people. Not everyone reacts the same way to authority and many eating habits are the result of some sort of subconscious rebellion against an authority to begin with.

A new program, the “Automatic Weight Loss Program,” can be previewed and purchased at Mindbody101.com as a four-CD set with free shipping or as a downloadable set of four MP3 files. Both formats include a lifetime money-back guarantee.

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Source by Avinoam Lerner

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