Monsoon Season Health Tips: Monsoon is about to come, in such a situation the rain brings with it a lot of diseases. Although the rainy season seems pleasant, but the risk of infection is highest in this season. Seasonal diseases and mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue and chikunya also increase rapidly in the rains. Infection also spreads rapidly by eating outside. Bad fruits and vegetables can also make you sick in this season. In such a situation, if you want to stay healthy and away from diseases, then take care of these things.
1- Avoid street food- You should avoid street food in the rain. Hygiene is not taken much care while making street food. In such a situation, eating fried, roasted food can cause stomach problems. Many times, eating street food during the rainy season also leads to infections and allergies.
2- Avoid eating raw- Any kind of raw food can make you sick during the rainy season. In this season our metabolism becomes very slow. Due to which the food gets digested late. Avoid drinking juice in this season and wash it thoroughly before eating salad or eat it steamed. Cut fruits should also be eaten for a long time.
3- Wash hands before eating- Always wash your hands with soap before eating food. Most germs and bacteria stick to the hands during the rainy season, and when these bacteria go inside the stomach, they can cause some disease and infection.
4- Drink boiled water- In the rain, the first infection is caused by water. In this season water should be boiled and drunk. This kills all kinds of bacteria and the water becomes pure. By drinking boiled water, you can avoid diseases like dehydration and diarrhea.
5- Strengthen immunity- Your immunity should be strong in the rain. With this, you can avoid falling ill quickly and infection. Eat dry fruits to make the immune system strong. Include grains like corn, barley, wheat, gram flour in the diet. Eat pulses and sprouts. Apart from this, eat basil ginger.
Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.
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