Polynesian Weight Loss – 12 Diet Secrets to Accelerate Your Weight Loss

1. Lose weight by starting with a 24-hour water fast. drink a lot of water.

2. Speed ​​up your metabolism by eating small meals made of lean protein every 3 hours.

3. Drink up to one liter of plain water with each meal. This alone will boost your weight loss.

4. Increase your fiber intake by eating lots of vegetables, or take a fiber supplement every day.

5. Eliminate all junk food and low nutrient rich foods like bread, ketchup, diet food.

6. Reduce your calories to make the first meal the largest and the last meal the smallest.

7. Taper your carbs. This is one of the fundamental and most powerful tips to lose weight.

8. Eat your last meal at least 2 hours before sleeping. Four hours is even better, but tough.

9. Do 30 – 60 minutes of moderate cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

10. Drink green tea everyday and take multivitamin.

11. Don’t eat soy, or soy products.

12. Do not eat dairy products or drink milk.

Polynesian bodies are very sensitive to carbohydrates, and of all the diet and weight loss strategies employed, this is by far the most important. If you’re ever hoping to lose weight, you must manage your carbohydrates carefully. This means eliminating refined sugar, junk food, fried foods, processed foods, and especially so-called diet foods. They are nothing more than cleverly disguised junk food that will stealthily sabotage your weight loss efforts. Also, of the healthy carbohydrates you do eat, you should space them out throughout the day, eating most of your starchy carbs early in the day, when your body is more likely to burn them as energy. Switch your carbs at your meals to burn off fibrous vegetables at the end of the day, and eliminate carbs completely from your last meal.

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Most Polynesian bodies fall into the endomorph category, with elements of the other two body types, but are predominantly endomorphic. That’s why our body often needs more cardiovascular training to lose weight. This isn’t necessarily a disadvantage, just a fact. Everyone is different, but if you are prepared to do whatever it takes, you will be successful. Have your last meal at least 2 hours before bedtime. Drink a cup of green tea and at least two glasses of plain water when you wake up. Then do 30 – 60 minutes of steady moderate cardio depending on the time you have. In this fasted state, your body has the right hormonal environment to store fat and lose weight up to 300% faster than at any other time of the day. This is the best time to burn that body fat, and the effects of this cardio session will fuel your weight loss for several hours afterwards.

To lose more weight, reduce your calories. Polynesian people cannot follow the typical American diet and are expected to lose weight. The average working American usually skips breakfast; The cardinal sin of weight loss is working out all day without eating proper food, only to come home and eat like there’s no tomorrow. Then went to bed ready to repeat this atrocity the next day. If you flip this plan on its head, you’ll have a better eating schedule regardless of the quality of those meals. It would be much better to have a big breakfast, snack on the day at work, and then skip dinner. This would be a great plan for weight loss.

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Finally, don’t be fooled by the hype surrounding milk, soy, and soy derivatives. Soy has estrogenic properties that interfere with the natural release of testosterone from the body. It’s in 95% of all processed foods in one form or another; Check the labels. Who wants more estrogen in the body which promotes fat storage as well as female characteristics. Not only are our kids fatter than ever, but young boys are developing womanly shaped bodies, including breast tissue. Girls are developing signs of puberty at a very early age. Most of this is due to the increased estrogen in their bodies from processed foods and milk. Yes, corn and soy are two staples in the diet of dairy cows. The slogan ‘Milk Mil Gaya’ is a multi-million dollar per year advertising campaign. Don’t buy into it. If it is unnatural for us to drink our own mother’s milk after the first years of life, how can it be good to drink the milk of an animal. This will derail your weight loss efforts.

Follow these 12 diet secrets for weight loss and you’ll see success.

Source by Andrew Pogai

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