proven ways to lose weight fast

Without a doubt, one of the most common complaints today is how to lose weight fast. Given obesity rising to epidemic proportions in the United States, weight loss has become a hot issue. Carrying extra weight is difficult in itself, but when you consider all the health issues it can pose, such as an increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart attack, it’s no surprise that more and more people are taking weight loss seriously. Taking from

For most people trying to shed unwanted pounds, the thought of exercising daily, eating salads, and being miserable to meet the goal only adds to the pressure. Although it does require some work and patience, there are many ways to lose weight fast. In fact, most of these methods will help with weight loss, but will also keep it off. In this article, we want to provide you with some proven methods on how you can lose weight fast, but without harming your body or increasing your chances of regaining the weight.


Yes, we said it right, colonics, which is a method of colon cleansing. Medical studies show that people can retain up to 20 pounds of “sludge” that builds up within the wall of the colon over the years. Normal enemas cannot reach far enough into the colon to clean it but the colonics procedure can. This type of procedure is performed by a licensed professional in a clinic, using a non-traumatic method that removes the accumulated debris in the body.

In some cases, it takes four to five sessions to completely cleanse the colon but results are extreme in 95% of cases. People walk away with permanent weight loss by eliminating that bloated feeling. The process is safe and comfortable, and best of all, it not only works to cleanse the colon of dangerous toxins, but it also works for weight loss! This is a great way that you can lose weight fast and also improve overall health.

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Simply put, filling up on water will help you lose weight, as opposed to high calories. Additionally, water is good for the body! Remember, 3,500 calories equals one pound of weight, so if you want to cut calories, drinking more water while maintaining that level of 1,500 to 2,000 per day will help you start to lose weight. Now, if you don’t enjoy drinking water, you can add flavor from non-caloric products like Crystal Light. To lose weight fast with water – you just need to drink more!


Now you might be thinking that we have really lost our minds but the truth is that if you don’t eat, you will either stay at the same weight or gain. This is because the body needs the right level of calories to keep its metabolism functioning. If you don’t give your body four to six small meals a day, it goes into starvation mode, thinking it needs to hang onto stored fat to survive. Therefore, consuming 1,500 to 2,000 calories a day and breaking them down into smaller meals will keep the body’s metabolism functioning properly, which leads to weight loss. This way of losing weight fast surprises people but we assure you that it works.


Finally, make sure you have adequate levels of fiber in your diet. These foods will do a few things to help you lose weight. First, fiber is filling so you don’t feel as hungry or hungry after a meal as you do with a diet low in fiber.

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Second, fiber is great at moving the bowels so you get the nutrition you need from food but without storing it as fat.

Third, high-fiber foods are often tasty but low in calories. To get an idea of ​​which foods are high in fiber to show you how to lose weight fast, consider the following:

  • Fruits – Pears, Apples (without peel), Strawberries, Oranges, Peaches, Raisins
  • Cereal/pasta – bran flakes, whole wheat spaghetti, oatmeal, mixed grain bread
  • Nuts/seeds/legumes – lima beans, baked beans, pistachio nuts, almonds, cashews
  • Vegetables – peas, potatoes (without skin), corn, carrots, air-popped popcorn

Source by John Mcewen

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