Recognize by these symptoms without a test, is cholesterol not increasing in the body?

High Cholesterol Symptoms: Cholesterol is very dangerous in lifestyle related diseases, because increasing cholesterol does not cause much problem in routine, but can cause heart disease. For this reason, cholesterol is considered an invisible killer. Without getting the test done, you can know from these symptoms whether the cholesterol in your body is increasing or not.

Why is high cholesterol dangerous?

Actually, due to increasing cholesterol in the body, there is no direct effect, but sometimes serious diseases like heart attack can occur. That’s why it is considered a silent killer. If your cholesterol is increasing in your body, then cramping in these areas can be a sign. This disease is called PAD (peripheral artery disease) which occurs due to increase in cholesterol in the body. Cramping is basically like cramping which can happen in many parts of the body. If you also have cramping in your body, then do not ignore it.

What is PAD(peripheral artery diseas)
In this disease, cholesterol starts accumulating in the brain, arteries like other parts of the body. Due to this, the blood flow starts decreasing in the arteries and this leads to cramping in the feet and hands.

Symptoms of increased cholesterol in the body

According to the Department of Surgery of the University of California San Francisco, there may be cramping in the feet, in the toes, in the calf muscles and in the hip area. However, after taking rest, the cramping happening in these parts can be relieved. Swelling in the feet, or quick healing of the injury can also be other symptoms of increased cholesterol in the body. Sometimes the color of the skin starts turning yellow or having different temperature feel in both the legs can also be a symptom. ,

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cause of high cholesterol

1. Not exercising daily can increase cholesterol
2. Eating excessively fatty and oily can increase
3. Cholesterol may increase even if you are overweight
4. Smoking and drinking can also increase cholesterol
5. Genetic reasons can also lead to high cholesterol

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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