Stress And Anxiety: 5 Best Mood-Boosting Foods To Eat When You’re Stressed

According to studies, just being stressed increases your body’s need for certain nutrients like vitamins B and C, selenium, magnesium, etc. By simply eating foods rich in these nutrients, you will be able to control your stress levels. Stress and Anxiety: 5 Best Mood-Boosting Foods to Eat When You’re Stressed (Source: Freepick) Stress is our … Read more

Banana Shake Side Effects: 4 Health Risks of Consuming This Beverage Daily

Let’s know what happens to your body when you consume banana shake daily. Side effects of banana shake: 4 health risks of drinking this drink every day Side Effects of Banana Shake: Banana shake is a popular drink, especially among children. This drink still tops the list of our breakfast and snack time menu because … Read more

Diwali 2022 Health Tips: 10 Ayurvedic Principles to Follow For Guilt-Free Festive Season

People are concerned about how to reconcile their excessive lifestyles with the desire to have a healthy body and mind as we get back into physical contact during the holiday season. As Diwali is fast approaching, the mouth-watering sweets and dishes might bring some second thoughts to break the healthy regime and lifestyle. How about … Read more

Side Effects of Milk: Why You Should Never Start Your Day with Doodh? Ayurveda Explains

Milk is the first food given to a baby, and from then on it becomes an essential part of the diet. It is considered beneficial for its exceptional nutritional properties. However, whether you should start your day with milk is a hotly debated topic. Well, Ayurveda answers that you should drink milk on an empty … Read more

Black Rice Benefits: Preventing Diabetes Risk to Managing Cholesterol levels And Much More!

Health Benefits of Black Rice: Black rice is a type of rice grown in very restricted countries and is commonly known as restricted rice. Why it is called forbidden is because earlier it was cultivated in limited quantities only for the elite. But now it has been cultivated in India for centuries in North East … Read more

5 Common Health Issues That Babies Are Prone to Catch

The early years are extremely important for a child’s development. Parents need to take extra care towards the child’s health as they are more sensitive and prone to catch diseases. A child’s immune system is not developed enough to fight illness and disease-causing factors. It is a common and inevitable circumstance that a child is … Read more

Side Effects of Curd: Is Eating Dahi at Night Safe? Ayurveda Explains

Yogurt is a common staple in almost every Indian household. It is both a refreshing and creamy probiotic. Yogurt is a wonderful dairy product that often contains an acidic substance such as vinegar or lemon juice. As a result, it helps digestion and prevents calcium deficiency. Many lactose intolerant people can tolerate yogurt because it … Read more

Is Drinking Water Unhealthy During Meals? Here’s What You Should Know

The importance of staying hydrated cannot be overstated, and it goes beyond just drinking water. But, with so many conflicting reports on whether or not drinking water during meals is a good idea, what should you do?Also Read – Benefits of Chickpea Sprouts: Know the best time to consume this healthy snack Water and other … Read more