दोपहर में सिर्फ 10 मिनट की नींद कर देगी आपको फिट एंड फाइन, जानें इसे लेकर क्या कहता है साइंस?

दोपहर में सिर्फ 10 मिनट की नींद कर देगी आपको फिट एंड फाइन, जानें इसे लेकर क्या कहता है साइंस?

Afternoon Nap Benefits: अक्सर लोगों के मन में सवाल होता है कि दोपहर में सोना चाहिए या नहीं? क्या दोपहर में लंच के बाद छोटी सी झपकी ली जा सकती है या इसके कोई नुकसान हैं. इसे लेकर एक्सपर्ट्स का मानना है कि दोपहर में थोड़ी देर सोना फायदेमंद हो सकता है. यह ओवरऑल हेल्थ के … Read more

Can Afternoon Naps Actually Be Good For Your Health? Here is What We Know

Can Afternoon Naps Actually Be Good For Your Health? Here is What We Know

Home Health Can Afternoon Naps Actually Be Good For Your Health? Here is What We Know Did you know that afternoon naps can actually help and be beneficial for stress? While some like it and some don’t, it may serve certain health benefits. Can Afternoon Naps Actually Be Good For Your Health? Here is What … Read more

Should I sleep during the day or not? Know what research says

Should I sleep during the day or not?  Know what research says

Health Tips : There are many beliefs about whether one should sleep in the afternoon or not. Some people believe that a little sleep during the day can recharge you, but many researches have said that the quality of sleep, brain function, metabolism are affected by afternoon nap. Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital have recently … Read more

Light nap has these benefits

Light nap has these benefits

Afternoon Nap: Some people do not sleep well at night, for which they compensate by sleeping for a few minutes during the day. In a way, a light nap taken during the day helps to make up for the lost sleep at night and the person feels energetic and refreshed. But, do experts recommend napping … Read more