Due to Corona, the danger of measles is now hovering over your children, WHO issued an alert

Measles Treatment: Kovid has badly affected the country and the world. Its effect is being seen. Due to cavid, children were not given measles vaccination in many countries. India itself has not remained untouched by this. The danger of spreading measles has also increased in many parts of the country. The situation in Mumbai is … Read more

Urine infection can be very harmful for health, be alert

UTI Infection: Any kind of infection in the body is not good in any situation. If there is an infection in the liver, kidney or any part of the body, the patient’s condition becomes serious. Urine infection is associated with the body in the same way. This infection occurs in both men and women, but … Read more

Be alert, there are 300 variants of Omicron corona virus floating in the air

Covid: Scientists and doctors are worried after the corona virus surfaced in the country. Both the variants catch the human very fast. The Omicron virus has caught a large population of the country. But do you know that there are hundreds of variants of Omicron circulating in the world, that is, there is not only … Read more

Women can be alert after 40 years of breast cancer, know how to protect yourself

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: The month of October is celebrated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In this month, an attempt is made to spread awareness about breast cancer. Breast cancer statistics are increasing rapidly all over the world including India. The main reason for this is lack of information. Many times women do not even … Read more

These 10 habits of yours can cause kidney damage, be alert in time

Kidney DamageTo keep the body healthy, it is very important to have a healthy kidney. With its help, we can remove the toxins present in the body. But our eating habits can have a bad effect on the liver. Therefore, it is very important to keep the kidney healthy to keep the body healthy. Today … Read more

Bad Cholesterol is the root of these serious diseases, so be alert if it is increasing

Cholesterol Effect On Body: Due to today’s bad lifestyle, many diseases are making their home in the human body. High blood pressure, sugar, depression, anxiety are such diseases. If recognized in time, they can be treated better. If it is late, it becomes fatal. But do you know that an element that accumulates in the … Read more

These things of daily life also make you forgetful, be alert in time

Why people forget: Forgetfulness dominates humans at an early age. If there is no deep trauma or brain injury in life, then the memory of most people can remain good even in old age, but when the age starts reaching beyond 70-80 then gradually the brain cells start drying up. . The person starts having … Read more

If swelling is visible on the body, then be alert, the risk of these diseases may increase

Body Swelling: If there is swelling in your body, then do not take it lightly. Swelling in the body is a sign of many diseases. Sometimes people take this type of inflammation lightly which can become a danger for them. Swelling in hands and feet, swelling in eyes and swelling in face are symptoms of serious … Read more