How can alcohol increase pain and anger? Know what the study says

How can alcohol increase pain and anger? Know what the study says

Recent Alcohol StudyNowadays, whether it is a party, youth club, wedding or any other occasion, it is considered incomplete without alcohol and many people regularly consume alcohol, but according to recent research on alcohol, it not only increases pain and tolerance. but can also increase aggression. Research has shown that people who drink alcohol have … Read more

Why do hands and legs start shaking when we get angry? Have you ever wondered the answer to this question?

Why do hands and legs start shaking when we get angry? Have you ever wondered the answer to this question?

Body tremors during anger cause: Every time you get angry, your hands and legs start to shake; when you argue with someone, your body starts to shake. Does this happen to you too? If yes, do you know its reason (Body tremor during anger)? In fact, getting angry or angry about something is a natural … Read more

Be careful if you get too angry! Untimely death can occur, manage your anger with 5 tips

Be careful if you get too angry!  Untimely death can occur, manage your anger with 5 tips

Tips for controlling anger: Anyone can get angry at any time. It’s a kind of emotional reaction. Everyone has different reasons for getting angry. However, getting too angry can be dangerous. Anger can cause harm not only mentally but also physically. Sometimes anger can also lead to huge financial losses. There is also a risk … Read more

गुस्से के लिए सेरोटोनिन हार्मोन जिम्मेदार तो क्या दवाई खाकर घटा सकते हैं गुस्सा?

गुस्से के लिए सेरोटोनिन हार्मोन जिम्मेदार तो क्या दवाई खाकर घटा सकते हैं गुस्सा?

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Anger Hormone:</strong> गुस्सा आना एक सामान्य बात है. जो लोग अक्सर शांत रहते हैं उन्हें भी कभी-कभी गुस्सा आ जाता है. लेकिन बार-बार गुस्सा आना एक समस्या है. कई बार हम देखते हैं कि लोगों का गुस्से में खुद पर काबू नहीं रहता.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">कभी-कभी लोग क्षणिक गुस्से में कुछ ऐसा कर … Read more

कहीं आपको भी तो हर वक्त नहीं सताता रिजेक्शन का डर?अगर हां, तो इस बीमारी की चपेट में हैं आप

कहीं आपको भी तो हर वक्त नहीं सताता रिजेक्शन का डर?अगर हां, तो इस बीमारी की चपेट में हैं आप

दुनिया का हर व्यक्ति चाहता है कि लोग उसकी बातों को सुने. उसे पसंद करें. खास कर कोई अपना करीबी उन्हें सुने.उनकी बातों पर सहमति जताए. लेकिन जब लोग उनकी बातों को नकारने लगते हैं तो व्यक्ति को रिजेक्शन फील होने लगता है. कई लोग इस रिजेक्शन को दिल पर नहीं लेते हैं लेकिन कई … Read more

Monsoon Sickness: 4 Common Water-Borne Diseases and How to Prevent Infection in Rainy Season

Monsoon Sickness: 4 Common Water-Borne Diseases and How to Prevent Infection in Rainy Season

Home Health Monsoon Disease: 4 Common Waterborne Illnesses And How To Prevent Infections In The Rainy Season Cases of waterborne diseases spike during the rainy season, giving us all the more reason to raise our guard. Waterborne diseases increase during the monsoon and here’s how to prevent infection (Freepik) Pit-patter falls to the rain like … Read more

How to control anger on the nose

How to control anger on the nose

Anger Management: Who likes to get angry? Everyone wants him to be calm and healthy. Sometimes circumstances make a person angry, and sometimes he gets angry because of not getting the work done. It is said that getting angry is injurious to health. But, despite knowing everything, people are unable to control their anger. In … Read more