Food Mood Connection: Your mood has a wonderful relationship with stomach and food, here’s how

Food Mood Connection: Your mood has a wonderful relationship with stomach and food, here’s how

Health Tips: You must have noticed many times that if you are angry or stressed, if you eat something sweet or something of your choice, then your mood immediately changes or becomes good. There are many such sour, sweet and spicy things that eating or craving for them shows different colors of your mood. Yes … Read more

Clean Water Bottles: Even if you are not drinking water in a dirty bottle, clean it with this trick

Clean Water Bottles: Even if you are not drinking water in a dirty bottle, clean it with this trick

Water Bottle Clean Tricks: It must have happened to you many times that you get addicted to cleaning the water bottle, due to which the water bottle in which you are drinking becomes even more dirty. Let us tell you that this laziness of yours can harm your health in many ways. Yes, the more … Read more

Study: High Fiber Diet Linked to Lower Risk for Dementia

Study: High Fiber Diet Linked to Lower Risk for Dementia

Japanese researchers followed more than 3,500 men and women ages 40 to 64 for two decades and found that people who ate a lot of fiber, especially soluble fiber, had a reduced risk of developing dementia. Researchers suggest that fiber is not only beneficial for our cardiovascular health, but also benefits the brain. According to … Read more

To look cool and stylish, wear a rubber band in your hand, you can die!

To look cool and stylish, wear a rubber band in your hand, you can die!

Health Care Tips In Hindi: It is the result of some laziness and some smartness that in addition to bangles, bracelets or watches, hair-tying rubber is also seen in the wrists of women with long hair. Women usually put this rubber in their wrist so that they can apply it immediately in the hair when … Read more

It is very important to close the lid of the toilet seat before flushing, know the reason

It is very important to close the lid of the toilet seat before flushing, know the reason

Toilet Lid And Flush: If you are also among those who do not close the lid of the toilet seat before flushing, then immediately remove yourself from this list. Because doing this works to save you from many troubles. In this article, you are being told about those valid reasons, after knowing that you will … Read more

Hygiene Tips: These items used at home can make you sick, take care of yourself like this

Hygiene Tips: These items used at home can make you sick, take care of yourself like this

Keep Your Home Bacteria Free: We all want to keep our house as clean and hygienic as possible. Especially in homes where there are children, cleanliness is most needed because children unknowingly touch or put anything in their mouth. This can cause harmful bacteria to make children sick. Well, today we will talk about those … Read more

White Tongue: Why does the tongue appear white, what are its meanings?

White Tongue: Why does the tongue appear white, what are its meanings?

Cause Of White Tongue: The white appearance of the tongue looks very strange. Due to this many times there is also the problem of bad breath. But the biggest question is, how does the tongue turn white and does it give any special signs related to health? In this article, the reasons and its meanings … Read more

Giant Panda Stays Plump on Bamboo Diet Thanks to Gut Bacteria

Giant Panda Stays Plump on Bamboo Diet Thanks to Gut Bacteria

Registration was successful!Follow the link in the email sent to send again Giant panda stays plump on bamboo diet thanks to gut bacteria Giant panda stays plump on bamboo diet thanks to gut bacteria Giant panda stays plump on bamboo diet thanks to gut bacteria 2022-01-19T02:21+0000 2022-01-19T02:21+0000 2022-01-19T02:21+0000 bacteria panda diet Sciences /html/head/meta[@name=”og:title”]/@content /html/head/meta[@name=”og:description”]/@content … Read more