What is Bariatric Surgery? A Step-by-Step Dietary Guidelines to Follow Post-Surgery

Home Health What is bariatric surgery? Step-by-step dietary guidelines to follow after surgery Following weight loss surgery, following a diet plan is essential. Here are some health tips to follow after bariatric surgery. What is bariatric surgery? Step-by-step dietary guidelines to follow after surgery Bariatric surgery includes gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and other weight-loss procedures, … Read more

What is bariatric surgery.

Bariatric Surgery Benefit: Of course, obesity is not counted among diseases. But it is not less than that either. Due to obesity, many diseases start living in the body of people. Due to excessive obesity, many diseases like diabetes, arthritis, hyper tension, high cholesterol start taking birth. Doctors recommend reducing diet and walking briskly, exercising, … Read more

Bariatric surgery might be more impactful than lifestyle for type 2 diabetes remission: Study

According to research, through bariatric surgery, type 2 diabetes can be cured faster and with longer lasting effects than with medications and lifestyle modifications. A new study from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, published in the journal Diabetes Care, evaluated 316 patients with type 2 diabetes to determine the effectiveness and long-term results of metabolic … Read more

Type 2 diabetes remission achieved more effectively with bariatric surgery than lifestyle changes

Remission of type 2 diabetes is achieved more effectively and has longer-lasting results with bariatric surgery than with medications and lifestyle changes. A new study from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, published in the journal diabetes careevaluated 316 patients with type 2 diabetes determine the effectiveness and long-term results of metabolic surgery. This is the … Read more

Did you know obesity and mental health are connected? – Times of India

Obesity is a complex disease that involves an excessive amount of body fat. It can not only affect one’s physical well-being, but also one’s mental well-being. Bariatric surgeon Dr. Manish Motwani says, “Obesity will invite mental health problems along with heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney and liver problems, and sleep apnea. Likewise, having … Read more

Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet Improves Immune Function

MADRID, Spain — According to the latest evidence, the ketogenic diet is emerging as an effective strategy not only to promote weight loss, but also to manage many comorbidities associated with obesity, including COVID-19. This development was revealed during the 8th International Scientific Symposium New Frontiers in Scientific Research, organized by PronoKal Group and held in … Read more