These people should not eat apple…maybe pollen allergy, know its symptoms

Pollen Allergy: Apple is said to be beneficial for health. There is also a saying about this that eating an apple daily keeps the doctor away because by consuming it the body remains healthy and many diseases stay away from the body. Eating apple improves heart health and eating it also keeps diseases like asthma … Read more

Eating too much apple can spoil your health, know these 5 big disadvantages before consuming

Side Effects of Eating Apples: Eating more apples can spoil your health, know these 5 big disadvantages before consuming Source link

Apple Benefits: Are apples the reason for your weight gain? Know now the right time to eat

Apple Benefits: The taste of eating apple is sour-sweet, so it is very good to eat this fruit from children to old people. Let us tell you that there are countless benefits of eating this fruit on an empty stomach. Apple is such a fruit which is considered to be rich in the properties of … Read more

Red or green, who is healthier among the two, know

Green Or Red Apple: There is a famous proverb about apple which we all must have heard or read since childhood. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. The meaning of the proverb is that if you eat an apple daily, then the doctor stays away from diseases. The reason for this is that … Read more

Eat this fruit a lot in this season, your body’s immunity will increase for winter

Benefits of Apple: On off-season apples get Rs 200 to Rs 300 a kg but for the next 1 month the market will be full of apples. Apple season lasts till September and mid-October and if you buy cheaply, you will get 60-70 rupees a kg. If you also want to take advantage of this … Read more