Breast cancer-associated protein identified. Treatment will now be easy – GoMedii Know the link between new protein and breast cancer in Hindi

Scientists have discovered a protein that shows strong evidence for its association with breast cancer that spreads quickly to other organs. Scientists can increase the possibilities of effective treatment of this deadly disease in the future with this protein.       What does the HIF protein do?       Weibo Lu, assistant professor … Read more

Asymptomatic Breast Cancer: How to Diagnose The Unaware Symptoms of This Tricky Cancer

There are many women who do not experience any typical symptoms and will be diagnosed with asymptomatic breast cancer. In such cases, the disease may metastasize meaning it will spread to other parts of the body and treatment options will become more aggressive. Asymptomatic Breast Cancer: How to Diagnose Undiagnosed Symptoms of This Difficult Cancer … Read more

Does applying deodorant cause breast cancer? Know what is the truth

Breast Cancer Awareness : Applying perfume has become a common practice these days. Whenever we go out, we use deodorant to make the people around us feel the fragrance throughout the day. There are also many women who definitely apply deodorant before going out. But do you know that many people also believe that applying … Read more

Breast Cancer Prevention: 6 Ways to Lower Your Risks

Breast cancer has become the most common cancer affecting Indian women over the past decade. In fact, data suggests that every 4th female cancer patient in India will have breast cancer. These statistics make every woman introspect and ask what causes breast cancer and what we can do to prevent it. It is very important … Read more

Women can be alert after 40 years of breast cancer, know how to protect yourself

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: The month of October is celebrated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In this month, an attempt is made to spread awareness about breast cancer. Breast cancer statistics are increasing rapidly all over the world including India. The main reason for this is lack of information. Many times women do not even … Read more

Symptoms and types of breast cancer, know how to prevent

Symptoms Of Breast Cancer: Women have the highest risk of breast cancer. Every year around 2.1 million women in the world are affected by breast cancer. Breast cancer occurs when changes in genes cause breast cells to divide and grow. Due to this, a lump is created in the breast. You can detect it even … Read more