From now on, there will be no more deaths from breast cancer! Delhi AIIMS manufactured a special device

From now on, there will be no more deaths from breast cancer! Delhi AIIMS manufactured a special device

Breast cancer : Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. According to the WHO, in 2022 there will be 6.70 million deaths worldwide due to this cancer. Breast cancer also remains a major threat in India. Every year, thousands of women are victims. Breast cancer never occurs suddenly. These symptoms begin to appear … Read more

Is the risk of breast cancer reduced through breastfeeding? Get the opinion of a health expert

Is the risk of breast cancer reduced through breastfeeding? Get the opinion of a health expert

Breastfeeding is a natural process, it nourishes the child naturally through the mother. Thanks to this, the child receives the necessary nutrition and breastfeeding gives good health results. You will be surprised to know that it also reduces the risk of cancer. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of cancer. According to the news published in Only … Read more

Breast cancer: Not just lumps, 5 other signs of tumour growth one must be aware about

Breast cancer: Not just lumps, 5 other signs of tumour growth one must be aware about

Home Health Breast cancer: not just lumps, 5 other signs of tumor growth to watch out for Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women. Lumps are the first warning sign of a tumor, but apart from this, there are a few more symptoms that one should look out for. Breast … Read more

How long does it take for breast cancer to progress from the first to the third stage, what is the way to prevent it?

How long does it take for breast cancer to progress from the first to the third stage, what is the way to prevent it?

If you or a loved one has breast cancer, you will often wonder how quickly the cancer grows. It’s difficult to get a direct answer to this question because doctors don’t know when the cancer started. This means it is difficult to know how long it took for the cancer to reach this size, and … Read more

These are the main causes of breast cancer, are you also making a mistake?

These are the main causes of breast cancer, are you also making a mistake?

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that begins with a growth of cells in the breast cells. After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in the United States. But breast cancer does not only affect women. Everyone is born with breast tissue, so anyone can get breast cancer. … Read more

Even 20 year old girls get breast cancer in this country, do you know the situation in India?

Even 20 year old girls get breast cancer in this country, do you know the situation in India?

Breast cancer: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This cancer is very dangerous and deadly. According to the WHO, in 2022, there will have been 6,70,000 deaths due to this cancer worldwide. More than 99% of these cases involved women. A study by the American Cancer Society found that from 2012 to 2021, cases of … Read more

Are Women Less Sufferers of Heart Attacks Than Men? Know the Truth

Are Women Less Sufferers of Heart Attacks Than Men? Know the Truth

Myths about breast cancer Nowadays, due to poor lifestyle and diet habits, the risk of cancer and heart diseases is increasing rapidly. Their risk increases not only in the elderly but also in the young. Both of these diseases are fatal, so it is important to be aware of them to avoid them. If these … Read more

Your Shampoo and Perfumes Can Put You at Risk of Breast Cancer – Expert Explains

Your Shampoo and Perfumes Can Put You at Risk of Breast Cancer – Expert Explains

Home Health Shampoo and perfumes may put you at risk for breast cancer, says expert Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. But did you know that your personal care items can also put you at risk? Read on to find out what the experts have to say. Breast cancer is … Read more