Diabetes And Breastfeeding: 7 Tips For Lactating Moms to Manage High Blood Sugar Levels

Home Lifestyle Diabetes And Breastfeeding: 7 Tips For Lactating Moms to Manage High Blood Sugar Levels Are you a new mother but unsure about how to breastfeed your baby as you have diabetes? Here are certain precautions you can take for you and your baby’s healthy life. Diabetes And Breastfeeding: 7 Tips For Lactating Moms … Read more

How Does Stress Impact Breastfeeding? 5 Ways to Ease Anxiety in Lactating Moms

Home Health How Does Stress Impact Breastfeeding? 5 Ways to Ease Anxiety in Lactating Moms Mental stress and physical exertion as some of the most important factors influencing breast milk production. Here are few suggestions for lactating moms to help cope up with anxiety. How Does Stress Impact Breastfeeding? 5 Ways to Ease Anxiety in … Read more

कहीं ब्रेस्टफीडिंग को लेकर आप भी तो नहीं करते इन मिथकों पर यकीन, जानिए इनका सच

Breastfeeding Myth: बच्चा जब दुनिया में आता है तो उसका पहला आहार मां का दूध (mother milk)ही होता है. मां का पहला गाढ़ा पीला दूध बच्चे के लिए अमृत समान है क्योंकि इसमें बच्चे के शरीर को मजबूत बनाने और बीमारियों से लड़ने के लिए कई प्रकार के पोषक तत्व होते हैं. मां के दूध को … Read more

Should women wash their breasts every time before breastfeeding? Know the opinion of health expert

Breastfeeding Tips: Every mother who becomes a mother breastfeeds her child, which is very important for the physical and mental development of the child. Doctors recommend breastfeeding the newborn for at least 6 months. Actually, usually women start feeding the child without washing the breast. Now the question arises whether it is necessary to take … Read more

If there are these five problems, then do not consume Triphala even by mistake… otherwise it will be a huge loss.

Triphala Side Effects: There are many such things in Ayurveda which are used to remove many health problems. One of these is Triphala… which is considered to be a very beneficial remedy for stomach problems. Triphala is made by mixing three Ayurvedic herbs Amla, Harad and Baheda. Many medicinal properties are found in these mixtures. … Read more

If you want to lose weight quickly after pregnancy, then definitely do this work, the child will also be healthy and you too

Women Health Benefits Of Breast Feeding: Whether you want to breast feed your baby or give formula milk for the first time after birth is your own personal decision. No one, even doctors can impose their decision on you in this regard. But always the doctor will advise you to breast feed your child. This … Read more

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2022: Is Extended Breastfeeding Healthy For Newly Moms? Expert Answers

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) is observed every year from 1 to 31 October, also known as “Pink Month”. This month is observed with the aim of creating awareness about breast cancer disease. It affects one in eight women during their lifetime. Since it is Awareness Month, there are many myths about extended breastfeeding. Breastfeeding … Read more

Apart from the supply of nutrients, what other benefits does breastfeeding give to the baby?

Breast Feeding importance: It is known to all that after birth the child drinks his mother’s milk, this process of breastfeeding the child is called breast feeding. About why mother’s milk is necessary for the child, most people believe that it keeps the child’s health good and gives him the necessary nutrition. All these things … Read more