Poha or rice, what is more beneficial for health… here is the answer

Poha vs Rice : In our country both Poha and rice are eaten with great gusto. Poha is preferred in breakfast. It is easily saved. That’s why it is kept in the best option for morning breakfast. Whereas it is said that obesity increases by eating rice and health gets many problems. The biggest question … Read more

Poha or Rice? What is more beneficial for health and why?

Poha vs Rice: Poha is the first choice of most people as a morning breakfast. Since many nutrients are present in it, it can fulfill the needs of every person. Whereas on the contrary, rice is not considered healthy in terms of health. Because it contains high amount of arsenic. According to a report published … Read more

Is Poha really as nutritious as you think? How right is it to eat it in breakfast?

Poha: Is ‘Poha’ really as nutritious as you think? How right is it to eat it in breakfast? Source link

‘Laddus burst in the mouth’, if you also have this addiction, then understand some things about yourself

Health Tips: Sometimes we feel like eating something sweet. This is called sugar craving. Everyone must have felt sugar cravings at one time or another. Although, it is very normal to feel like eating sweets occasionally, but when it starts happening frequently and gets out of your control then it turns into addiction. This addiction … Read more