There can be many reasons for sudden chest pain, if chest pain arises then do this treatment

Chest Pain Treatment: Although there can be many reasons for sudden chest pain, but it is very important to take it seriously. Ignoring the chest can land you in trouble. The reason for chest pain can be as simple as a heart attack. In such a situation, if a person suddenly starts having pain and … Read more

Chest pain does not only mean heart attack, these 5 diseases can also be signs

Chest Pain : People often mistake stomach gas or heart attack for chest pain. But it is not necessary because chest pain can also be a sign of other diseases. In such a situation, the doctor should be seen first in case of pain. Apart from chest pain, if there are no other symptoms of … Read more

Is there frequent chest pain? These reasons may be responsible

Chest Pain: In the last few years, big changes have been seen in the lifestyle of the people. People have started spending more time in front of computers, mobiles and laptops. The effect of the changed lifestyle has also been seen in our everyday life. People are facing many types of problems and pain in … Read more

Pain on the left side of the chest can be related not only to heart attack but also to the lungs.

Chest Pain: Connect the pain on the left side of the chest with heart disease. This is almost certainly false. We humans have developed such a mindset that if there is pain in the left side of the chest, then just now a heart attack is about to happen. For your information, let us tell … Read more