Chronic Kidney Disease – Know its Main Causes, Symptoms and Treatments. AllerMedia

Chronic Kidney Disease – Know its Main Causes, Symptoms and Treatments. AllerMedia

Among kidney diseases, chronic kidney disease is a very serious disease, because no medicine is yet available to cure this disease. For several years, the number of patients suffering from this disease has been increasing. Kidney diseases affect one in ten people.     These can be the main causes of kidney disease   diabetes, … Read more

What is chronic kidney disease? -GoMedia

What is chronic kidney disease?  -GoMedia

What is chronic kidney disease?   Chronic kidney failure is a very serious disease among kidney diseases because until now there is no medicine to cure this disease. This problem affects 1 in 10 people. Usually diabetes, high blood pressure, stones, etc. are the main culprits.   Chronic kidney disease, also called chronic kidney failure. … Read more

लंबे वक्त से क्रोनिक किडनी की बीमारी से पीड़ित थे मुनव्वर राना, जानिए इसके शुरुआती लक्षण

लंबे वक्त से क्रोनिक किडनी की बीमारी से पीड़ित थे मुनव्वर राना, जानिए इसके शुरुआती लक्षण

<p style="text-align: justify;">मशहूर शायर मुनव्वर राना का रविवार देर रात लखनऊ के पीजीआई हॉस्पिटल में दिल का दौरा पड़ने से निधन हो गया. वो 71 साल के थे.&nbsp; वह 9 जनवरी से ही एडमिट थे . उससे पहले लखनऊ के मेदांता में एडमिट करवाया गया था.कहा जा रहा है कि वह काफी वक्त से किडनी … Read more

What is Chronic Kidney Disease? Expert Reveals Major Symptoms, Causes And Preventive Measures

What is Chronic Kidney Disease? Expert Reveals Major Symptoms, Causes And Preventive Measures

Home Health What is Chronic Kidney Disease? Expert reveals main symptoms, causes and preventive measures There may be no signs or discomfort for patients who have chronic kidney disease. Kidney-related disease can only be diagnosed by specific blood and urine tests. What is Chronic Kidney Disease? Expert reveals main symptoms, causes and preventive measures Chronic … Read more

Kidney Diseases: Why You Must Get a Routine Kidney Checkup? 4 Warning SIGNS

Kidney Diseases: Why You Must Get a Routine Kidney Checkup? 4 Warning SIGNS

Home Health Kidney diseases: Why should you have a routine kidney checkup? 4 WARNING SIGNS A simple blood test can measure the level of creatinine in the blood, which is a waste product that the kidneys must filter. If creatinine levels are high, it may be a sign of kidney damage. Kidney diseases: Why should … Read more

These are the 5 bad habits that can cause kidney damage.

These are the 5 bad habits that can cause kidney damage.

World Kidney Day: Kidney is a very important part of the body. Whatever we eat during the day. It can be in any form of liquid or solid. It is not that whatever we are consuming as food. It doesn’t happen that everything in them should be nutritious. Some toxins also enter the body. If … Read more

Ushering into a New Era of Healthcare: Digital Leads the Way – ET HealthWorld

Ushering into a New Era of Healthcare: Digital Leads the Way – ET HealthWorld

by Dr. Shravan Subramaniam The pandemic turned a new leaf in the history of healthcare for a country like India. Digital Health took on a whole new meaning and we saw patients taking the digital healthcare turn. Per capita data usage in India is 12 gigabytes per person per month. India has 1.18 billion phone … Read more

Chronic ‘Exercise Deficiency’ Linked to HFpEF

Chronic ‘Exercise Deficiency’ Linked to HFpEF

Chronic lack of exercise, termed “exercise deficiency,” is associated with cardiac atrophy, reduced cardiac output and chamber size, and decreased cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in a subgroup of patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), the researchers say. Increasing the physical activity levels of these sedentary individuals could be an effective preventive strategy, particularly … Read more