अगर आप भी चाहते हैं कि आपका दिमाग तेज हो तो आज से खाना शुरू कर दे ये चीजें

<p class="whitespace-pre-wrap" style="text-align: left;"><strong>Brain Boosting Foods:</strong> हम सभी जानते हैं कि एक तेज और सक्रिय दिमाग हमारे जीवन की सफलता का आधार है. चाहे वो पढ़ाई हो या नौकरी, हर जगह एक मजबूत दिमाग की आवश्यकता होती है.आज हम उन चीजों के बारे में बात करेंगे जो हमारे दिमाग को तेज और निरोगी बनाती हैं.आजकल … Read more

Regular patterns of activity are important for healthy aging and mental health, study suggests

According to a new study led by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, older adults who consistently get up early and stay active throughout the day are happier and perform better on cognitive tests than those with irregular activity patterns. The findings, published online at JAMA Psychiatry, suggest that the activity patterns -; not only … Read more

Regulators failing to match consumer demand for natural products supporting mental well-being – Watch

See the on demand eventhere free. Clinical pharmacologist and pharmaconutritionist Dr. Paul Clayton said many companies had formulated products, but the legislation has crippled sales in several markets. However, he cited Singapore and Lithuania as examples in public health policy. Singapore has employed innovative strategies, while Lithuania has banned smoking in many areas. “You can … Read more