Do you sleep wearing socks to avoid the cold in winter? read this before doing this

Health Tips: In the winter season, people adopt different methods to avoid cold. There are many people who sleep wearing socks at night. But it is not good for health. Due to this, many types of serious losses start. If you have a similar habit, then leave it today, otherwise you may have to repent … Read more

Those who feel very cold, these 15 foods must be included in their diet.

How To Keep Your Body Warm: Everyone feels cold in the winter season. But some people feel very cold. Many times they face freezing i.e. excessive cold in some sensitive parts of the body. This problem is much more serious than abdominal pain or chest pain caused by cold. Because the matter is related to … Read more

Got to know why there is more cold in winter

After all, how do these extra cellular vesicles fight? Extra cellular vesicles cannot divide like cells, but are like smaller versions of cells specifically designed to contain and kill viruses. Rhinologist Dr. Benjamin Blair, an associate professor at Harvard, said that the extracellular vesicles act as decoys. So when we inhale the virus, the virus … Read more

Take care of your eyes in this way from the cold winds of winter

Eye Protection Tips: In winter we wear warm clothes to protect our body from cold. Also, to cover the ears, cover them with a muffler. But have you ever wondered how your eyes will be saved from the cold? If you have not thought then you need to pay attention from now. Yes, it is … Read more

Do not make the mistake of drinking cold water in winter, it affects your health so badly

Cold Water Side Effects: Some people get used to drinking cold water in such a way that they consume only cold water even in winters. But you probably do not know that drinking cold water in the cold can also harm your health a lot. If you know what harm cold water is doing to … Read more

Chapped lips are not only due to cold, your diet is also responsible…

Lip Care in Winter: People often take the problem of chapped lips lightly. Many come out after applying cream. But know today that chapped lips can also mean upset stomach. By the way, as soon as winter starts, everyone’s skin becomes dry. One reason for this is that the air becomes dry in winter, which … Read more

You feel that your hands and feet are cold due to cold… but this also happens due to illness! identify as

Cold Feet And Hands: ‘Don’t touch your hands, put your feet behind…’ Do you also get to hear the same things from your near and dear ones due to cold hands and feet in winter. If yes then this news is for you only. In the winter season, the open parts of the body like … Read more

If you take heat and cold therapy, then know this important thing before use

Heat And Cold Therapy: Often we have come to hear about applying cold and heat on pain or injury in our house. This is an age-old ancient tradition, which is really relaxing. But do you know when to do cold compress and when to do hot compress? Often people remain confused. People heat the pain … Read more