कोरोना का नया वेरिएंट JN.1 है चौथी लहर का आगाज? जानें एक्सपर्ट क्या कहते हैं?

<p style="text-align: justify;">एक बार फिर से कोरोना के नए वेरिएंट JN.1 ने लोगों के बीच टेंशन बढ़ा दी है. क्रिसमस और न्यू ईयर पार्टी को लेकर लोगों के बीच जितनी ज्यादा एक्साइटमेंट है तो वहीं लोगों के अंदर कोरोना के नए वेरिएंट को लेकर काफी डर का माहौल बन हुआ है. कई लोग इसे कोरोना … Read more

Delta, Omicron become old, now new variant of Corona Arcturus has arrived

We keep reading and listening to the devastation that Coronavirus has caused in the whole world with its new variants. According to the English portal ‘The Sun’, after Delta and Omicron, now a new variant of coronavirus ‘Arcturus’ is spreading in India. Seeing the impact of the new variant of Corona, all the hospitals in … Read more

This new variant of Corona is scaring India, more than 1000 cases in a day

Corona Virus: A boom is now being seen in Kovid cases in India. In the last few days, the total number of Covid cases has increased from around 300 to more than 1000 in a day. India on Sunday recorded more than 1,000 new Covid cases in a single day after 129 days. The scientists … Read more

Know why there is no danger of WINTER WAVE of Corona in this winter

Corona Virus: Kovid wreaked havoc not only in the country but in the world. Lakhs of people have died due to the virus. Due to herd immunity and getting infected, the antibodies made in the body and the immune system developed due to the vaccine are trying to neutralize the virus to a great extent. … Read more

COVID can spoil the condition of the patient’s heart, this shocking revelation in the study

Corona Virus: The virus wreaked havoc in the country. Delta, Omicron variants knocked in every house. The delta variant was so deadly that thousands of people died due to this virus. After the vaccination of the Government of India, Kovid may not have been as effective now, but negative effects are still being seen on … Read more

This is how long you need to exercise: New study on Covid-19, physical activity

A new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has associated daily physical activity with a lower risk of COVID-19 infection and severity, including hospitalization and death. Interestingly, the study suggests that a weekly count of 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity, appears to provide the … Read more

Protect yourself from corona like this, increase your immunity in these ways

How to prevent Corona: Corona is spreading again, cases are increasing in the whole country and especially in Maharashtra. In such a situation, how to increase immunity to avoid corona. How to keep your body healthy so that it does not fall in the grip of this disease and if it happens then the effect … Read more

With the changing weather, the danger of corona increases again, take these precautions

Covid Cases In India: With the changing season, once again corona cases are increasing. Cases of Kovid-19 have started coming in large numbers in different states of the country including Delhi-Maharashtra. The main reason for this is the carelessness of the people and the changing weather. It has been seen that whenever there is a … Read more