These 5 diseases make you cry a lot in September-October, take care or consult a doctor

Diseases: The months of September and October are prone to many diseases. Actually, in these months the rains end, due to which the accumulation of water around us becomes very high. Mosquitoes and dirt spread a lot due to stagnation of water. In such a situation, there is a risk of increasing many bacterial and … Read more

Tears and Cry Facts: Some people have less, some more tears, do you know the real reason

Tears Reason: The most important part of the human body is his eyes, which are very sensitive. With the slightest sound of someone, it starts blinking immediately or the pupils dilate due to fear. When the eyelids are closed in sleep, then tears come out in happiness and sorrow. Let us tell you that behind … Read more

Does your girlfriend cry for no reason? this could be the reason

Emotional Weakness: Women are believed to be emotionally weak. Although this does not happen to everyone, but still a large number of women who break down emotionally (emotional weakness) or start crying. However, this is a strength not a weakness, and how it is a strength, we will talk about it again sometime. For the … Read more

Crying is not as bad as it is believed, know here the benefits of crying sometimes

Crying Is Good: Crying is not as bad as it is believed in our society. Crying is considered a sign of weakness while it is a medium of expressing one’s feelings (Language of Emotions). People who are emotional are usually pure of heart and when the time comes to fight with someone, instead of arguing, … Read more